Cross Country Highlights

As the dust settles and the day's excitement fades into memory, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible experience of the Whole School Cross Country event. On Monday 29 April students from Preps to Year 12 gathered to celebrate athleticism, camaraderie, and school spirit. 


The day began with a buzz of anticipation as participants laced up their running shoes and prepared to tackle the 1km course (once, twice, or even three laps for some). From the youngest Preps to the graduating Year 12s, many competitors brought their A-game and embraced the challenge with enthusiasm.


As the starting whistle blew, the air was filled with determination and excitement. Runners dashed across the course, pushing themselves to their limits and cheering each other on every step of the way. It was a true display of sportsmanship and unity, as students encouraged their peers and celebrated each other's achievements. Each stride, each lap, was a testament to their hard work and dedication, filling us all with a sense of pride.


The Whole School Cross Country event wasn't just about the race. It was about the sense of community that permeated the event, as students, teachers, and families came together to support and cheer on the runners. Whether they were sprinting across the finish line or jogging at their own pace, every participant was met with cheers and applause. This unity, this shared experience, is what makes our school community so special and strong.


As we look back on the day, we are filled with pride and gratitude for everyone who made the event possible. From the organisers (Mr Zwiersen & Mr Klan), teaching staff, maintenance team, volunteers and the participants and spectators, each played a vital role in making the Whole School Cross Country a resounding success. Thank you. 

Primary School results:

  • 1st - Red House with 117 points
  • 2nd - Green House with 105 points
  • 3rd - Yellow House with 98 points 

Secondary School results:

  • 1st- Red 427 with points 
  • 2nd - Green with 398 points 
  • 3rd - Yellow with 367 points 

Mr Peter Zwiersen and Mr Zacc Klan