KLA News 



With the start of the new term, students from Year 7 to 11 are beginning new units of work. Whilst our Year 12 English Studies, Standard, Advanced and Extension courses continue working through their modules. This has given our senior students a great opportunity to consolidate their learning over the holiday break ready to work through some complex analysis and synthesis. 


Year 7 English - ‘Contemporary Poetic Expression’

Year 7 English have begun a module titled ‘Contemporary Poetic Expression’ which has them interrogating poetic devices and how these have been used to compose engaging texts that are then transformed into a multimodal platform. Students in 7.2 have been looking at interpreting poetry as a visual representation and exploring macro and micro techniques. 


Students in 7.3 have been looking at interpreting poetry, particularly the poem, ‘It’s just so wrong’ by Ali Cobby Eckerman. Some of our classes have even started crafting poetry by thinking about the tone of voice that they use. 


Rain All Day

The rain swishes through my hair

They joyfully dance through my hair 

I sing and clap and dance all day

I smile and laugh and giggle while I say

‘I love rainy days!’


Within the dark gray clouds

Laying down,within the ending proud

The gloomy mind,with an empty heart

The rain was just the horrid start.


  Rainy Day

    The water was pouring down from the sky 

    Why the old man was snoring staying all dry

   The rain wouldn’t stop it made everything wet 

     The rain hasn't stopped since sunset.


Year 8 English - ‘A Taste of Shakespeare’

In Year 8 English, students have begun a unit titled a ‘Taste of Shakespeare’ which explores the influence of the well known composer William Shakespeare from his original plays to texts today. Students have been exploring the language differences between Old English, Middle English and Modern English to see how language has developed leading to our understanding of the English language today. This has led our classes to exploring the context of William Shakespeare and composing biographies where they have developed research skills and an understanding of how to compose bibliographies to track where their research has come from. 


These are excerpts from 8.1 English.




Year 9 English - ‘The Other’

Year 9 English students have begun working on a unit titled, ‘The Other’ which interrogates the text Avatar directed by James Cameron. This unit presents students with the opportunity to investigate stories of colonisation that have been represented through different mediums. It provides students with an opportunity to engage with analysis and create extended responses and feedback to move their learning forward. Students in 9.2 have been investigating the context of the composer James Cameron by utilising the acronym CHPS which explores the background of a text through the following areas: Cultural, Historical, Personal and Societal. This is an example of one of the finished products.




Year 10 English - ‘Beautiful Words’

Year 10 English have begun studying the unit titled ‘Beautiful Words’. A drama study that explores the work of Sean Riley in particular the stereotypes that are used in texts and what that conveys. Students will also explore internal and external conflict and how this is used to drive character development. All students have begun examining the context of the story which takes place over three different timelines moving from Nazi Germany to contemporary Australia. 




Welcome back to Term 2 in the PDHPE Department. This Term we welcomed a new staff member as we farewell another. All the best to Mr Jason Saayman as he accepts a position at The Armidale School. We thank him for his contributions to PDHPE this year and for taking on Year 8 and 9 PDHPE classes amongst his English lessons. 

Welcome to Lucinda Bradford, she has been covering PDHPE classes since the end of Term 1, we truly appreciate your flexibility in this role. 


The PDHPE Department for Term 2 consists of:

Mrs Felicity Magann

Mrs Amber Smith

Mrs Camilla Clydsdale

Ms Natalie Mellowship

Mrs Lucinda Bradford

Mr Shane McCann


Students 7-12 have returned ready for a busy Term. In our Department students will be studying:


Year 7: Mirror Mirror (Body Image) and Athletics

Year 8: Nutrition and Athletics

Year 9: Eat, Sleep, Train, Repeat and Athletics

Year 9 PASS: Coaching

Year 9 Child Studies: Care of the Newborn

Year 10: Be Street Smart and Athletics

Year 10 Child Studies: Media and Technology

Year 10 PASS: Body Systems

Year 11 PDHPE: Core 2 - The Body in Motion

Year 11 CAFS: Individuals and Groups

Year 12 PDHPE: HSC Core 2 - Factors Affecting Performance

Year 12 SLR: Athletics

Year 12 CAFS: Parenting and Caring



Road Safety Reminders:

National   Road

Safety Week


An annual initiative from the Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group, partnering road safety organisations and Government. The week highlights the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it


5 to 12 May



Walk Safely to

School Day


An initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia which encourages all primary school children to walk and commute

safely to school.





10 May





This term is a busy term for our performing arts students with the Eisteddfod, Showcase night, Founder’s Day and various other opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in class. Please see a list of the key dates below. 


This term students will be learning/working on the following projects:

Year 7 students will be learning to play the keyboard in Music and working on 2D and 3D portraits in Visual Arts. 

Kavin Mongar      Jack Cochrane   logan Scott      


Year 8 students will be learning to play the guitar in Music and working on ceramic pop art inspired cups in Visual Arts. 


Stage 5 Music students are working on preparing pieces for the Eisteddfod based around The Blues and Jazz. 

Year 9 Visual Arts students have been developing their painting skills and are now planning their contemporary portrait paintings.

Year 10 Visual Arts students are working on mixed media drawings/paintings

Year 11 Music students are working on creating their own rock songs. 

Year 11 Visual Arts students are exploring the theme of Duality to develop ideas for collection of works with a focus on sculpture 

Year 12 students in Drama, Music and Visual Arts are currently working on their individual projects for the HSC. These projects will be due at various points next term. 




Straw Tower Design Holds 7500ml

As part of the Year 8 Engineering Technology Unit students are required to design and construct a 300mm straw tower that will be destructively tested. They are only allowed to use 50 paper straws and they can only be held together with small pieces of masking tape.

When the towers are finished they are tested to failure by gradually adding water to a jug or bucket. For the 8TC2 class the champion tower constructed by Chelsea Doran, Brydie Elks, Shelby Heagney and Indie Moar supported an impressive 7500ml before spectacularly collapsing. Students then watch a slow motion video of the testing to determine exactly where their tower failed and how the design could be improved.     


The impressive straw tower design & the moment just before collapsing caught on slow motion replay.


The class will now move onto the fields of mechanical & sustainable engineering to see if they can design a sustainably powered winch powered only by the wind that can lift a heavy weight off the ground. For this challenge the students will only be allowed to use lego for the gearbox and recycled polystyrene foam for the windmill blades.


Welcome to our science newsletter, where we delve into the captivating realms of physics and chemistry that shape our world. From the forces that govern motion to the chemical reactions that drive transformations, let's embark on a journey through the core concepts studied in Year 7 through Year 10.


Year 7: Unveiling the Forces of Nature

In Year 7, students are introduced to the fundamental forces that shape interactions in the physical world. They explore concepts such as forces, friction, and the distinction between contact and non-contact forces. Electrostatics and magnetism unveil the mysteries of static electricity and the attraction between magnetic poles. Additionally, gravity, the force that pulls objects toward each other, is explored, providing insights into the motion of celestial bodies and everyday phenomena.


Year 8: Unraveling the Mysteries of Matter

As students progress to Year 8, their focus shifts to the building blocks of matter. They delve into the periodic table, unraveling the organization of elements based on their atomic structure and properties. Concepts of atoms, molecules, elements, and compounds come to light, allowing students to understand the composition of substances and the bonds that hold them together. Engaging in student research projects fosters curiosity and critical thinking, empowering students to investigate chemical reactions firsthand.


Year 9: Tracing the Evolution of Atomic Theory

Year 9 delves deeper into the history and evolution of atomic theory. From the ancient Greeks to modern scientists, students trace the development of our understanding of the atom. Exploring concepts such as corrosion, combustion, and decomposition, they witness firsthand the chemical processes that occur in everyday life. Through experiments and inquiry, students uncover the principles governing chemical reactions, laying the groundwork for further exploration in chemistry.


Year 10: Navigating the Laws of Motion

In Year 10, students embark on a journey through the principles of motion and dynamics. They explore concepts of speed, distance, time, and acceleration, gaining a quantitative understanding of motion. Newton's Laws of Motion take center stage, providing a framework to analyze the behavior of objects in motion and the forces acting upon them. Car safety becomes a practical application of these principles, highlighting the importance of understanding physics in real-world contexts.

As students progress through these foundational years of science education, they not only acquire knowledge but also develop the skills and mindset to inquire, investigate, and comprehend the wonders of the natural world. With each concept explored, they move closer to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and unlocking the potential for future scientific discoveries.


Questacon Presenters Spark Creativity with MaKey MaKeys!


Excitement filled the air as Questacon's dynamic presenters recently graced our classrooms, bringing with them the magic of MaKey MaKeys! These ingenious prototyping boards turned everyday objects into switches, captivating students with the power of electrical circuits. Through hands-on exploration and innovation, our students were inspired to reimagine the world around them. Thanks to Questacon, sparks of curiosity have ignited, paving the way for future inventors and engineers!



HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment)

Welcome back to term 2!  We hope our students and parents and carers all had a safe and restful break.  The HSIE faculty has welcomed 2 new staff over the end of last term and the start of this:  

  • Mrs Judi Sheedy joins us taking on 11 and 12 Business Services classes; 9 and 10 Commerce and HSIE classes.  Mrs Sheedy will be working Wednesday to Friday with these classes.  These classes on Monday and Tuesday are currently being covered by Mrs Caroline Chapman.  Mrs Sheedy has a Business marketing degree and runs 2 businesses in Gunnedah and Armidale with her husband.  She loves teaching and is looking forward to the start of the winter Netball season.
  • Mr Evans Madhuyu joins us from Goldridge College in Zimbabwe and is an experienced teacher of History and Religious Education.  Mr Madhuyu will be teaching in HSIE across all years 7-10 as well as senior Studies in Catholic Thought.  His goal as a teacher is to develop students who will excel academically and become global citizens who want to improve the world around them. 
    Mr Madhuyu is an enthusiastic basketball player, so look out for him on the courts in break time!

We are excited about the skills and knowledge that Mrs Sheedy and Mr Madhuyu will bring to our faculty.


What’s happening in HSIE classes this term?


Year 7 - will be finishing their studies of Ancient Egypt in the coming weeks by focussing on the religious beliefs and practices in Egyptian society including mummification and beliefs about the afterlife.  They will then commence learning about society in Ancient China.


Year 8 - will be continuing their studies into Shogun Japan.  In the next week or so, the focus will be on cultural aspects of the period - religion and arts and crafts.  They will then commence learning about the Spanish Conquest of the Americas.

Photo of 25 year old Bonsai species, Berlin (uploaded unaltered) 

Photo credit: ShismaLicence CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED



Year 9 - continue their studies of Geography.  Following the Sustainable Biomes unit from last term, this term students will begin studying the Environmental Change and Management unit.  This unit aims to develop an understanding of the way  environments function, the scale of human induced environmental change and how the need for progress challenges sustainability. 




Year 10 - will finish their studies of history by examining the Vietnam war era and undertaking a student driven independent research project on some aspect of the Vietnam war.  This might be a depth study into a major military engagement; the Home Front and the way the war was received; conscription issues in Australia or media and propaganda around the war. 



Here's a quick overview of what our students are learning across the different year levels at this point in the term:


Year 7: Introduction to Algebra

Year 7 students are starting their algebra journey. They will be learning to work with variables and simple equations, setting the stage for more complex mathematical concepts in the future.


Year 8: Measurement, Polygons, and Circles

Our Year 8 students are focusing on measurement. They are studying the properties of polygons and circles, including calculating perimeters and areas. Additionally, they'll be exploring Pythagoras' theorem, which helps in understanding the relationships between the sides of right-angled triangles.


Year 9: Solving Equations

Year 9 students are honing their skills in solving equations. They are working with both linear and quadratic equations, using techniques such as factorisation and substitution to find solutions.


Year 10: Probability

Probability is the main topic for Year 10 students this term. They are learning to calculate the likelihood of different events occurring and understanding how to apply these calculations to real-life situations.


Year 11: Advanced and Standard Pathways

For Year 11, we have three pathways that cater for the diverse interests and strengths of our students in stage 6:


Extension and Advanced: These students are diving into trigonometry. They are studying the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles, focusing on trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent, and their applications.

Standard: The focus for standard students is on measurement. They are exploring various measurement concepts, including the properties of different shapes and the application of measurement in practical scenarios.


Year 12: Half-Yearly Exams

Our Year 12 students have just completed their half-yearly exams. This marks a significant milestone as they continue to prepare for their final assessments. Even though these Half Yearly exams were not formal assessment tasks they give great feedback to the students and crucial practice at exam technique. Students covered a range of topics, including calculus and statistics, demonstrating their mathematical Knowledge and skills.


Each year level is engaged in exciting and challenging mathematical concepts, from the basics of algebra to the complexities of trigonometry and probability. Our students are developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will serve them well in their academic and everyday lives.


I leave you with some action shots from our stage 4 classes this week.