Leader of Pedagogy

Miss Natalie Mellowship (Years 7-9) & Mrs Jenny Roff ( Years 10-12)

During week 1, dedicated staff members participated in Clarity Learning Days led by renowned educator Dr Lyn Sharratt. Over the course of the enriching sessions, our educators delved deep into the Clarity Framework, gaining valuable insights and tools to enhance teaching and learning within the O’Connor community. The Diocese of Armidale is continuing to adopt the practices acknowledged by Lyn Sharratt to improve learning outcomes for all students. 


Clarity by Lyn Sharratt is not just a framework, it’s a transformative approach to learning and education that is centred around decision-making that is data-driven and has a collaborative focus on continuous improvement. Throughout the Clarity learning days, educators explored the foundational principles of the framework, how to collect and analyse various forms of data to inform instructional practice.  


Lyn Sharratt’s framework for Clarity focusses on a number of key factors:

  1. Focus on Data-Informed Decision Making: Clarity emphasises the use of data to inform decision-making processes in schools. It helps educators to collect and analyse various types of data, including student achievement data, to identify areas for improvement and to track progress over time.
  2. Shared Vision and Goals: The framework encourages the development of a shared vision and common goals among all stakeholders within the school community. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives and fosters collaboration and teamwork.
  3. Leadership Development: Clarity provides a structure for developing leadership capacity within the school. It supports leaders in becoming effective instructional leaders who can support teachers in improving their practice and ultimately enhance student learning outcomes.
  4. Instructional Improvement: One of the primary goals of Clarity is to improve instructional practices within the school. It provides tools and strategies for teachers to reflect on their teaching, collaborate with colleagues, and implement evidence-based instructional strategies that are proven to be effective.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Clarity promotes a culture of continuous improvement within the school. It encourages educators to regularly reflect on their practice, seek feedback, and make adjustments as needed to better meet the needs of all students.
  6. Empowering Teachers: By providing teachers with the tools and support they need to improve their practice, Clarity empowers educators to take ownership of their professional growth and development.

One of the highlights of the sessions was the emphasis on shared leadership and collaboration. Dr Lyn Sharratt’s insights encouraged staff to foster a culture of trust and collective responsibility within our school community. By working together towards a common vision and set of goals, we aim to create an environment where every student can achieve success. 


Throughout the year, the Curriculum Team will prioritise disseminating Clarity's work to middle leaders across the College to enhance the growth of collaborative school teams dedicated to improving learning for all students. 







Miss Natalie Mellowship

Leader of Pedagogy, (7-9).     






Mrs Jennifer Roff

Leader of Pedagogy, (10-12)