Assistant Principal  -Curriculum

Mr Stephen Chapman 

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Friends,

We're already cruising through Term 2, having wrapped up Week 3 in style with our vibrant school Athletics Carnival. The energy and camaraderie witnessed truly encapsulated the spirit of our community.


Welcoming Evans Madhuyu

This term, we welcomed Mr. Evans Madhuyu to our teaching team at O'Connor. Mr. Madhuyu brings his expertise to subjects such as HSIE and Religion and has seamlessly integrated into our community. It's worth noting the courage he and his family displayed in relocating from Zimbabwe to Armidale. Let's extend a warm welcome to Evans and his family as they settle in.



Introducing Jocelyn St Clair

Some of you may already be familiar with Jocelyn St Clair, who has been supporting our students in various capacities, particularly in facilitating School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Jocelyn has graciously stepped in as our Science Lab Assistant while Mrs. Liz Brown recovers from surgery. Her adaptability and dedication have been evident as she assists in preparing and even conducting experiments in our science labs.


Jocelyn St Clair working with Mr Fittler (Science LOL) on Wednesday in the Science Labs.


Year 11 and 12 Conferences

Last Monday, we hosted Year 12 students and their parents/guardians for conferences with subject teachers at the Performing Arts Centre. The discussions were fruitful, with a focus on student learning and development. Year 11 will have a similar opportunity next Monday, May 27th. Parents can book conferences via Compass starting Monday, May 20th, coinciding with the release of Year 11 Semester 1 reports on Compass.


Year 12 Parent/Guardian/Student/Teacher Conferences on Monday this week


Venturing to the Careers Expo in Tamworth

I had the pleasure of accompanying our Year 12 students to the Careers Expo in Tamworth alongside Mrs. Galvin (Leader of Student Pathways) and Mr. Andrews (Leader of Learning - Year 12). Witnessing our students engaging with industry leaders, companies, and training institutions was inspiring. My sincere appreciation to Mrs. Galvin for organising this enriching experience.


Year 12 students at the Careers Expo in Tamworth on Wednesday


The Merici Building Transformation

The refurbishment of the Merici Building is nearing completion, transforming it from our music rooms into our new (temporary) Administration Building. The administrative staff and school leadership will transition into this space in Week 6 of this term, paving the way for the renovation of the entire Angela building.


Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Lastly, I'd like to discuss the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our school. It's evident that AI presents vast opportunities for education, and we're committed to equipping our students with the skills to leverage it positively. 

Here’s a quote I think sums up our approach:


“The underlying idea is to teach students how to use AI properly, so it advantages them and becomes a tool that benefits their study skills. It also gets them thinking more deeply about AI and its possibilities — beyond being a tool to help them get their work done”



Here are some reflections on the advantages and disadvantages of integrating AI in schools:


  • Access to 24/7 fast feedback
  • Fostering creativity
  • Opportunity to teach ethics and responsible AI use
  • Encouraging transparency in referencing


  • Potential for unintended bias
  • Occasional errors in AI output
  • Risks of academic dishonesty and cheating
  • Reduced emphasis on collaboration
  • Concerns about job displacement

For those unfamiliar with CHAT GBT, I encourage you to explore it with your child—it's truly remarkable! However, it's crucial to remember that using AI-generated content as one's own work constitutes plagiarism, which goes against our academic integrity standards. We're actively engaging with this topic at O'Connor and within the broader Catholic School Office to develop a thoughtful policy on AI integration.

As always, your continued support is invaluable to our school community's success.







Warm Regards,


Mr. Stephen Chapman

Assistant Principal - Curriculum




"Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing." - Jack Lewman