Grade 2

The Level 2 students have settled back into Term 2 beautifully. They have done an amazing job at remembering the routines and expectations established in Term 1. They have enjoyed a smooth return to school and enjoyed seeing their friends again after the school holidays.
In Reading this term students have been learning about monitoring. Monitoring is keeping track of your reading to ensure it “makes sense.” Students have learned what monitoring is, how to monitor their reading and different fix up strategies they can use if meaning breaks down. Students have particularly enjoyed using thinking tracks to monitor comprehension in non-fiction books. Take a look at some of our clever thinking!
In Maths this term students have been learning about addition and subtraction. Students have enjoyed learning about the build to the nearest 10 strategy and did a fantastic job at applying this knowledge to add larger two digit numbers together. Mrs. Staggoll, Miss Majoor and Miss Francis were very impressed with how students applied themselves to solve some very tricky problems!
Student Voice
Here is what some of our students had to say about what they have enjoyed this term.
“I have enjoyed Term 2 because I like learning in Grade 2” -Eshton 2S
“I like writing Sizzling Starts because I enjoy writing” -Zara 2S
“I love reading lessons because I like the way I can show my thinking” -Kai 2S
“I enjoyed cross country practice this term because it is good exercise” -Matthew 2S
“I liked reading the books in the reading mini lesson” – Nate 2M
“I like that I can read chapter books and every time I read my reading will be better” -Nika 2M
“I have really liked learning my doubles, my near doubles and adding by 5! I like to sing the doubles fact song!” -Octavia 2F