What an exciting term we have had in Prep! We have had sessions with our Level 6 Buddies, hosted a Mother's Day morning event and have been busy learning in class! Over the last few weeks in Reading, students have continued to learn their phonics daily and have learnt about the comprehension skill of Monitoring. In Writing students have continued to form letters correctly on small whiteboards, chalk boards and in their work books. In Maths, students have worked on place value, focusing on numbers 0-20 and comparing collections. They have also learnt about using informal units when measuring length. Our Theme topic this term is about growing food and eating healthy food. Students have already grown a broad bean with Barry, our gardener.
Student Voice:
Prep M:
Chloe: I liked doing the hand massaging for my mum.
Cleo: I liked eating muffins.
Ruby: I liked painting my mum's nails.
Prep P:
Yara: I liked making bracelets.
Ivy: I liked the nail polish.
Katie: I liked using the nail polish.
Prep W:
Navshik: I liked painting my mum's nails.
Evelyn: I loved painting nails.
Josh: I loved eating muffins.