TLI Update

Tutor Learning Initiative Update Term Two By Jayne Hill

This month in TLI the Grade Ones and Threes are being targeted to work on Reading and Numeracy.


There are three Grade One groups working on developing their Phonological Awareness. 

Phonological Awareness is essential to the task of learning to read English. 

This involves the ability to attend to, analyse and manipulate sounds within words. 

They are working through the process of being able to identify the first, last and middle sounds in spoken words. 


They make judgements about which sounds are the same or different. They match words and pictures according to their sounds. The students are learning to Blend and Segment sounds. 


They participate in a variety of Phonological Awareness activities as well as Guided Reading sessions to improve their reading fluency. 


We have one Maths group in Grade Three, working on developing addition strategies such as doubles, make to ten, bridge ten and using these strategies to solve addition equations. 


They are also working on Place Value of 2 and 3-digit numbers, making, naming, and recording numbers using manipulatives such as MAB blocks. 

There are two reading groups in Grade Three. One group is working on developing their Phonological Awareness and the second group is working on developing their comprehension and reading fluency. 



Students love using the Pop-it boards for counting.



Phonological Awareness

Refers to a whole set of skills related to the structure of words & sounds.  It is the ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words and the understanding that spoken words and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds.


Phonological Awareness      SkillExplanationExample
  1. Word Awareness
Break sentence up into wordsOn the weekend I went     swimming = 6 words
  1. Syllables
Break words up into naturally occurring beats

Cat-er-pil-lar = 4 syllables


  1. Rhyme
Recognise and produce words that end the same wayCat and bat rhyme, cat and cow don’t rhyme
  1. Alliteration
Identify the first sound in words 

Mouse and moon start with the same sound


  1. Analysis
Identify all the sounds in words The 1st sound in shop is ‘sh’, the 2nd sound is ‘o’, the last sound is ‘p’
  1. A) Blending

B) Segmenting

Combine sounds to make words or break words up to spell them

f-i-sh  à “fish” 

“lunch” à l-u-n-ch

  1. Manipulation
Take sounds out of words and add sounds to make new words

‘Sold’ take away the ’s’ makes ‘old.’



                                            =           Phonemic Awareness Skills

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness is a component of phonological awareness and focuses on the individual phonemes (sounds in words.) These skills relate to an ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words.  These skills are auditory and do not involve letters or writing.


Once letters are added to phonemic awareness instruction, it becomes phonics.  An example of a phonics activity is when students are instructed to write the letters for the sounds given by the teacher.


Reference: Inclusive Classrooms Course DEECD