Cultural Studies

This term in Cultural Studies the Prep - 3 students will be learning about Australian Indigenous Culture. The Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people have the oldest living culture in the world, and we are so proud to celebrate it in Cultural Studies.
On May 20th, at 9.10am we will be having a special Indigenous Assembly in the gym. This is in the lead up to Reconciliation Week on the 27th May - 3rd June.
We will be welcoming back Aboriginal performer Ganga Giri who will be performing on his didgeridoo as well as teaching us a little about Aboriginal culture. Those that attended last year will agree that it is a great performance, and a lot of fun! All parents are welcome to come along and join the fun!
This term, Prep have learnt an Acknowledgement of Country song which we will sing each week and they will continue to build on their understanding of Indigenous culture. This week we learnt about the different names the Wurundjeri people have for the seasons, and discovered what season we were born in!
This term, Grade One and Two will be learning about 'The Dreaming' from different Indigenous communities. This week we learnt about one Dreaming story where each animal added to the dreaming until Man took on the role to continue the dreaming. We have also learnt about Bunjil the Eagle's creation story, which is very important to the Wurundjeri people.
Grade Three will be learning about important Indigenous people and events that changed history in Australia. It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm our students show when learning about our nation's first people! We hope they are inspired by these stories of hope, perseverance and self-belief.
Grade Four has been continuing to learn about 'Our Diverse World'. They have chosen a country to investigate the culture, and will be researching the visible culture, hidden culture and how their culture is similar and different to ours. They have chosen to present on a poster or slideshow.
Grade Five and Six are continuing to investigate how we can use education to improve cultural interactions. They are creating their own travel document for a country of their choice. It will looks at the 'Cultural Dos' and 'Cultural Don'ts' of travel to that country, and can be presented as either a poster, Slideshow or even a mini movie!
Lisa Foster
Cultural Studies Specialist