
During Term 2 all our DPS students have really enjoyed learning all about chemistry. We have been learning about the elements of the periodic table, states of matter, mixtures, the properties of materials, physical change and chemical change.
Prep: The preps have been having some hands-on experience with a range of different materials such as glass, metal, rock, plastic and rubber. They have been learning about why we use different materials for a range of purposes depending on their properties. They have also been practicing their cutting and pasting, as well as their questioning skills.
Level 1: In Level 1 we have been looking at physical change such as bending, ripping, stretching, folding and scrunching. They have begun doing their first experiments of the year by seeing how many times they can fold a piece of paper and finding out which lolly snake is the most stretchy.
Level 2: In Level 2 we are learning all about mixtures, what happens when we mix different things together. They are learning about solutions, liquids that don’t mix, and how the properties of liquids can change depending on what is mixed in. So far they have made Ooblek by mixing cornflour and water, and an oil fireworks show by adding food colouring to water and oil!
Level 3: In Level 3 we have been looking at the three main states of matter, solids, liquids and gases. We have discussed how atoms and molecules bond together to form these different states as well as how states of matter can be changed when we introduce heat and cold. The students have worked with stoves to melt chocolate and have used ipads to complete virtual experiments of heating and cooling different elements.
Level 4: In Level 4 we have been researching the elements of the periodic table such as gold, helium, oxygen and zinc. Students have been learning about how atoms make up each element and how the various elements have different properties. They have been creating posters about the elements to display in the science room.
Level 5: In Level 5 we have been looking at the states of matter and how not everything is easily defined. We have been exploring the viscosity and density of different liquids. We have been experimenting with which liquids move the fastest as well as which items have less density than water causing them to float.
Level 6: In Level 6 we have been exploring chemical reactions of a variety of elements. We have created Carbon Dioxide by combining citric acid and bicarb soda, and looked at the molecular structure of solids, liquids and gases.