Grade 4

Term 2 has certainly been a fun and engaging term for the Level 4 students, with many exciting learning opportunities.
This term, students have been developing their capacity to create and use a range of digital technologies. They have learnt how to use Eduscratch to program their own robots to follow sequence instructions, which made their robots move and 'dance'. Students have also been learning how to create their own websites, which they will use to publish information reports they write about different biomes and ecosystems.
"My group did a competition where we had to race to make a cube of ice with our hands, I came second." - Arsha 4G
"It was very fun! I enjoyed programming the robot to dance and race without bumping into anything." - Chanel 4S
"I loved Robotics! It was creative and fun. The best part was that we put our soul into what we were building." - Sophia 4K
"We learned how to make our robots do some sumo wrestling, which was lots of fun." - Raaif 4WB
"I think Robotics was deeply interesting. I learnt how code and move my robot" - Naman 4K
Earlier in the term, Level 4 students engaged in a series of science lessons taught by student teachers from Deakin University. In small groups, students learnt about a range of scientific concepts such as states of matter, liquid viscosity, forces and atoms. This was done through engaging hands-on activities and experiments that included making slime, oobleck, ice-cream and rubber balls, constructing flotation devices and towers and finding the melting point of various objects.
"I enjoyed learning about science and making a bouncy ball out of borax, glue and water. It showed me how they combined together to make a ball." - Jake 4S
"I loved working with the Deakin students, and being able to put my hands into the slimy oobleck – it turned me into a Smurf." - Ariyan 4WB
"I liked that the activities were creative, my favourite was making the ooblek, I was surprised it could be solid and liquid." - Ivanna 4G
"I really enjoyed melting the wax. Mine turned into a ball." - Luca 4WB
I liked that the teachers were very kind and that we got to look at different materials. We used them to make boats and then we tested them to see if they would float." - Katie 4S