Year 1 & 2
Around our level
Year 1 & 2
Around our level
What a great day the students had last Tuesday, running around Lillydale Lake. We were so proud of our students as they all competed to the best of their ability.
This week we started researching an Australian creature for an information report. We have been looking at the Australian Zoo website for information. We have also written recounts of Cross Country and letters to our mums.
We have borrowed non-fiction books for our book boxes and are finding out about the table of contents, the index, and the glossary. We have also been looking at big books about Australian animals - getting ready for our Healesville Sanctuary excursion.
We have continued our work in Subtraction, learning different strategies, such as counting back, counting on and finding the difference. Students have used playing cards, unfix, icypole sticks and counters to model different ways to complete equations.
Mother’s Day
This week we have been busy making special items for Mother’s Day. We hope you enjoy the presents and work that the students have been working hard on in class and in Art.
Our thoughts about Cross Country:
Lenny: Today my class was a part of a Cross Country Event. We had it at Lilydale Lake.
Zoe: Yesterday I went to Cross Country. We ran around a course, I felt happy!
Raiden: Today my class and I went on a Cross Country run, everyone had a great time!
Ella: Today the school went to Cross Country. At school we went on a bus to Lilydale Lake. The grade 1s went first then grade 2.
Miller: On Tuesday it was Cross Country, it was great but exhausting!
Emily: Yesterday it was Cross Country day. I was wearing my house colours which was Turner colour which is red!
Logan: I went on a bus, then we were there. Then we put a tarp down. Then it was our turn. I came first place.
Henry: We went on a bus to Cross Country and I came second!
Lulu: We went to Lilydale Lake. I caame 10th. I ran with my nan.
Ruihani: I came 6th and I was puffed. My mum and dad were proud of me.
Hudson: I was a bit nervous but came second. The race was a bit short. My friend, Oscar, came first and my brother too.
Paityn: I sat next to Rihanna on the bus. It turns out we had the same drink bottle. The boys ran first but that’s ok. I needed more time. I came 9th.
Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly.
12A - Mrs Pfander & Mrs James
Maddie M
For showing confidence when sharing items during Shared News.
12B - Miss Stevens
Sofia B
For working hard in UFLI sessions building words and writing sentences!
12C - Ms Van Loenen & Miss Grogan
Ruhani G
For a great attitude towads her schoolwork and for always putting in 100%.