Principal's Report

Mid Term 2 2024
All students are active participants in a learning culture that promotes academic excellence and personal development through a diversity of challenging experiences.
“Working together, learning together” – Working together to enable all students to achieve their potential and become confident, effective learners who contribute productively to society.
Doncaster Secondary College Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people as the traditional custodians of the land now known as Manningham. The land on which Doncaster Secondary College is situated.
We pay our respects to Wurundjeri Elders past and present and value the ongoing contribution to the cultural heritage of Manningham.
We pay our respects to all cultures and members of our community. Our diversity in all its forms enriches our school and plays a significant role in preparing our students for life in the broader community.
Berry Eain wins at the Victorian Global Learning Awards 2024!
I am so incredibly proud of Berry Eain (Class of 2023) for her accomplishments at the recent Victorian Global Learning Awards. Berry has won the Year 12 Student Leadership Award! Furthermore, Berry has also became the recipient of International Student of the Year – Ambassador Award! It is also the highest award an international student can receive in Victoria. Please read our feature article about Berry Eain at the VGLAs in this newsletter.
Striving for improved student outcomes
As we progress through the third year of our school strategic plan, it's essential to revisit our statement of intent, rationale, and focus, which were established following our school review in 2021. This statement encompasses:
- What is our school striving to achieve? (Intent)
- Why is this important? (Rationale)
- What are our priorities? How will the Strategic Plan unfold over 4 years? (Focus)
Since the beginning of 2022, we have implemented significant changes to our structure and ways of working to enhance learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students and community. I have attached a copy of our 2023 Annual Report to the School Community, which details the outcomes of our strategic improvement efforts. As you read through both the School Strategic Plan Intent, Rationale, and Focus, the 2023 annual report, and the information in the newsletter, I believe that you will see the connection between what we said we would do, and what we do.
School Strategic Plan Intent, Rationale, and Focus
At Doncaster Secondary College we aim to maximise learning growth for all students no matter the starting point, and develop learners who are self-aware, respectful of diversity and able to navigate social relationships. Through year 7-10, there will be a particular focus on achieving growth in literacy, numeracy, the personal and social capabilities, and critical and creative thinking. Improving in these areas will develop the knowledge, capabilities and attributes that will see our students achieve success at school and thrive throughout their lives.
A new School Strategic Plan (SSP) has seen the introduction of an organisational design structure to align school resources to meet our organisational and strategic goals. The introduction of three 'mini-schools', each with a clear vision and understanding of their role in the learning journey of our community, will provide the leadership and structure required to improve student learning outcomes. Professional Learning Community (PLC) instructional leaders have been appointed to lead professional learning teams. These teams will be embedded within each mini-school. PLC instructional leaders will receive time and training to build their capacity to lead teams effectively, including using an evidence-based cycle of curriculum planning and evaluation. A culture of collaboration within mini-schools and PLCs will lead to an increase in teachers observing each other's practice and learning from one another. Peer observations will support the sharing of best practice, build awareness of the impact of teaching, and strengthen the use of the instructional model.
PLC instructional leaders will facilitate inquiry cycles which enhance staff capability in assessment to plan to meet students' diverse learning needs, measure growth and inform teaching and learning. Data driven dialogue within PLCs will lead to the development of a school assessment framework which is purposeful and understood by all members of the community. It is this understanding which will strengthen the learning partnership between school and home. Students will take increasing responsibility and identify the next steps for their learning when they are able to accurately identify their skills, knowledge, and capabilities. An assessment framework used at all levels of school operations will allow staff and leaders to measure and track individual student and cohort growth, identify strengths and plan to address gaps in school processes, teacher knowledge and practice.
Developing learners who are self-aware, respectful of diversity and able to navigate social relationships aligns with the Education State's "Happy, healthy and resilient kids" targets. The targets state that school will be a positive experience and nurturing environment for our children to develop confidence, social skills, and healthy life habits. Doncaster Secondary College's whole-school approach to wellbeing provides comprehensive tier 2 and 3 interventions to support students' wellbeing and mental health. A new organisational design structure will require mini-school leaders to prioritise the refinement of processes and procedures which continue to provide this support.
Everyone in our community deserves to be respected, valued, and treated equally. We know that changes in attitudes and behaviours can be achieved when positive attitudes, behaviours and equality are embedded in our education settings. Respectful Relationships (RR) is about embedding a culture of respect, inclusion, and equality across our entire community. This approach leads to positive impacts on student’s academic outcomes, their mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships between teachers and students. Doncaster Secondary College will continue in our role as a RR lead school and further develop our implementation of a whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships (RR). A key component of RR is the delivery of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) curriculum. Mini-school leaders will evaluate and enhance the classroom approach to social and emotional learning through the delivery of the RRRR curriculum and development of tier 1 primary prevention programs.
Throughout the SSP, there will be a focus on extending student agency in their learning, leading to improvements in achievement, engagement, and wellbeing. It is important that all students believe that they are capable and valued members of our school community. Teachers will embed opportunities within lessons for students to develop agency, and in doing so become independent and self-regulating learners who take responsibility for their learning and lives. Students will be pressed to think deeply about their learning and set and monitor learning goals that use reflection strategies and exercise agency relating to their learning experience.
When schools and families work together, children can become more engaged with their schoolwork, achieve better academically, stay in school longer and develop better social skills. Effective partnerships enrich wellbeing, achievement, and engagement by focusing on student needs, and aligns with our motto of 'Working together, learning together'. The development of the 'learning partnership' will articulate the high expectations for all members of our community and links to the key improvement strategy of 'Embedding programs and processes to welcome parents/carers as partners in their child’s learning'.
Student Voice and Agency: Attitudes to school survey (AtoSS)
At Doncaster Secondary College, our students' voices are invaluable in shaping the direction and improvements of our school. Students across year 7-12 are currently completing the 2024 Attitudes to School Survey, where they can provide anonymous insight into their experience of school and life.
Our student perspectives in fostering a positive and inclusive environment are highly valued, and the Attitudes to School Survey is one avenue for students to have their voice heard. Opportunities for our students to demonstrate voice and agency include student and staff collaboration on our mini-school improvement teams and school council, as well as our Student Representative Council.
This year, we've seen the impact of student input in both learning and well-being initiatives. At the Junior and Middle School levels, we’ve expanded elective options and introduced a Future Ready Career program, while at the Senior School, we’ve established "Revive Days" to foster community connectedness, engagement, and support. Preventive mental health programs, enhanced career support, and a renewed focus on individual conversations around well-being and goals are all direct results of the insights provided by our students.
Listening to student voices ensures we’re on track to meet our goals and create a learning environment where every individual feels empowered and valued. Thank you to our students for their active participation and to the wider school community for your ongoing support as we continue to refine our strategies and respond to student needs. Together, we’re making Doncaster Secondary College a nurturing and inspiring place to learn.
School Saving Bonus
You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing more information about how families will be able to access and use this support.
This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025.
It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.
Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.
Existing supports: The School Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions, and uniforms. The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents' behalf throughout the year if needed.
There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.
Glenn Morris