From the Houses



The return to Term 2 got off to a flying start. It is always fabulous to catch up with all the girls when they return from holidays to hear what they have been doing during term break.

The start of Term 2 has been busy with our boarders involved in numerous activities including rugby, netball, AFL, music, and school musical rehearsals. We have also come together as a community to play a co-ed touch football tournament and celebrate with a 70's/ 80's 80-themed Trivia Night. And of course,  that's in addition to the usual school work and busy personal lives. 


Jade began the term by making this amazing room in a shoe box for her school project. She needed to create a model nursery for her egg which she had to look after for three days. Jade found it fun and found willing egg sitters. 


Mary is a keen tennis player and is seen here in Albury concentrating on her match. Mary has recently proved to be very competitive when playing badminton during afternoon activities. 


Jade has made this amazing house for her school project.
Mary about to return this ball
Jade has made this amazing house for her school project.
Mary about to return this ball


Laura celebrated her recent Birthday with her peers and a cake.It was a great chance to get a group photo with supervisors Vicki and Rachel.
Laura celebrated her recent Birthday with her peers and a cake.It was a great chance to get a group photo with supervisors Vicki and Rachel.
Nagle House Well-Being Space
"Just Dance" activity
Nagle House Well-Being Space
"Just Dance" activity


Mary and Neve
Mary and Neve






Jackie Tassell | Girls' Coordinator



Our Kokoda Adventure 


Albert and Ewan on the Kokoda Trail
Albert and Ewan on the Kokoda Trail



On April 12, Albert and Ewan embarked on a journey to Papua New Guinea. Their objective was to traverse the renowned Kokoda Track, a 100-kilometre trek through the rugged terrain. During their expedition, they made numerous stops at various villages along the route, where they engaged with the local children, fostering cultural exchange and camaraderie.


The arduous trek spanned a duration of two weeks, after which they concluded their journey and returned to Sydney via a six-hour flight. The vistas encountered along the Kokoda Track were truly breathtaking, offering a panoramic display of nature's grandeur. However, it was not merely the scenic landscapes that left a lasting impression; the wildlife encountered was equally awe-inspiring.


The sheer magnitude of the animals they encountered was remarkable. The carriers, whose strength and endurance were essential to the expedition's success, were indeed formidable. However, it was the colossal proportions of the spiders, butterflies, and beetles that truly captivated their attention, serving as a testament to the biodiversity and natural wonders that the region contains


Albert and Ewan Middleton



Teddy about to make a touch down with Scarlett defending and Nicholas following in.
Teddy about to make a touch down with Scarlett defending and Nicholas following in.

Senior boys, junior boys and junior girls all combined for a fantastic game of Aus Tag one afternoon. Everyone had so much fun and the weather was perfect. What an enjoyable afternoon, terrific fun and Great sportsmanship. 




The Grease Crew - including a fake/ stage cigarette (we hope!)
The Grease Crew - including a fake/ stage cigarette (we hope!)


Danielle took a group to see Mater Dei’s adaptation of Grease: The Musical. Congratulations to Jacinta, Samuel, Ainslie, Harvey, and Anthony for their hard work and the time they contributed to a great performance and production. Everyone really enjoyed the show and was thrilled to see their peers on stage.


Some boarders have been involved in inter-school sports such as AFL. Congratulations to Sam D. and Charlie P. pictured for winning the Currie Cup with the final score being Kildare Catholic College 30 to Mater Dei Catholic College 24.

Congratulations to Sam and Charlie
Congratulations to Sam and Charlie



David Cook | Boys’ Coordinator