Mission /Prayer


Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Luke 1:39–42




From the Kildare Prayer page of the Kildare Catholic College Newsletter:

Shared with Mr. Ondre Nejman | Leader of Faith Formation and Mission by

Presentation Sr. Sue Miller as part of the Sesquicentenary celebrations here at Kildare, taking place on Friday 31st of May, and Saturday 1st of June.



"There is much that we can learn from Mary, our spiritual mother. Many regard Mary as an inspiration of compassion and humility as well as a role model for faith and justice.

This month, how will you:

  • Draw strength from your prayer life to nourish you so that you may continue justice work?
  • Reflect on the qualities of Mary and embed these into your interactions with others?
  • Take a compassionate, contemplative approach to engaging in justice work, conversations, or meetings?"

"The 150th celebrations of the Presentation Sisters arriving in Wagga Wagga that are taking place this Friday and Saturday are a lasting testament to the people who truly responded to God’s calling. Our gracious God calls each one of us at every moment of our life, it is when we pray and lift our minds to God our Creator, that a dialogue begins to take place and in turn, shapes our lives. It is a privilege for us as a school and boarding community to share in these celebrations and remember the charisms of our founders Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice. We are challenged to continue the work which was handed on to us by our predecessors and continue to spread the Good News in a spirit of charity, in order to build up the Kingdom of Heaven."


Mr. Ondre Nejman | Leader of Faith Formation