Year 7 Summit Camp

On Monday 6th of May, our Year 7’s went on their first school camp to the Summit in Trafalgar. The camp was met with 3 days of sunshine and adventure, with lots of activities that pushed the Year 7’s to their limits and out of their comfort zone. This included high wire activities, giant swings, team challenges, the leap of faith and a very muddy ‘monster run’.

Let’s hear from some of our Year 7 students and their highlights!


Tom Nesbit

‘Personally, camp at the Summit was an amazing experience, with it came many activities and funny moments. So, it is hard to choose just one highlight. However, after some consideration I think my favourite moment of camp was the feeling of my guts leaving my body on the giant swing and always having my friends surrounding me. This considered and with the fact that I got a full 9 hours sleep both nights meant I was always ready for a new and challenging activity.’


Allycia Taranto

‘Camp for me was a very enjoyable experience for me. My favourite experience was getting to ride in the army tank where we got to go through the mud track, which was very bumpy and going over a car! I loved all the activities that included heights, but my favourite activity would have to be the giant swing. Where me and my partner went to the highest level. Overall, the whole camp was very fun and enjoyable it was 10 out of 10!’


David Utkin

‘My highlight of camp was the leap of faith, because even though I didn’t have a good wrist I went up there and tried my best to grab the bar’.


Dante Ferra

‘My highlight of camp was going onto the giant swing and getting to the top. I also loved pulling the rope to help get others to the top. It hurt but I enjoyed the challenge’.