Year 10 Work Inspirations excursion

Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th May saw a group of 20 Year 10 students taken on the opportunity to attend a two day Work Inspirations excursions which the Smith Family ran. Work Inspirations is an Australia wide, employer-led program that ensures young Australia’s first experience of the world of work is positive, meaningful and inspiring. Work Inspirations provides a way for young people to find out more about themselves and engage with employers firsthand. In a Work Inspiration program, the students will have the opportunity to visit organisations and learn in-depth about how their workplace and industry works. In this program students will visit an organisation and learn in-depth about how their workplace and industry works. Students were given the opportunity to visit the organisations ITW, which is a Fortune 200 company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products, their brands include Paslode, Zenith and Ramset. Gendore which sells and services farming machinery and equipment and SPEE3D which is a 3D Metal Printing company. It was a great opportunity for them to get an understanding on how each of these companies have expanded and grown over the years and what they actually do. They were given tours of each of the companies and given the opportunity to ask employees about their experiences and how they go to the job they are in.


Some student highlights include:


Carter Jones

ITW: Being able to see and understand the manufacturing process. Ask questions about future career paths and the lovely people.

SPEE3D: Similar to ITW, getting to see the innovation and have a deeper understanding of the design process.

Gendore: The physical aspect. Sitting on the tractors, asking questions and learning.


Nik Salah

"My favourite part of the experience was when I got to rev the quad bike at the farm experience. It was really wobbly due to the suspension on it. I revved it a lot."


Hunter Bell

"On the first day we went to ITW’s factory and they showed us all the different machines they use to make screws and plastic things. They also told us that any plastic they don’t use get recycled and put through the machines again.

SPEE3D - listened to Frank Ocean on the bus on the way to SPEE3D. They make massive 3d printers that print metals like copper and aluminium. The CEO told us that a few of the printers got sent to Ukraine so the soldiers can print things. They gave us a gift bag.

Gendore - we went to a place with tractors. I got to hold a chainsaw, sit in a tractor and honk the horn. We also got a gift bag."


Serenity Carrol

"I really enjoyed learning about everyone’s different jobs. The tours were really cool and walking through the warehouses and factories seeing all the different machines. I loved looking at the tractors and how big they are how hard it is to fix and build one. I learnt a lot and it helped me a lot to figure out what I want to do with my career."