Sporting Achievements

Dear Families,


Friday 19th of April we had four students represent OGPS at the state swimming in Melbourne at MSAC (Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre). Primrose Hyde, Charlotte Edwards, Zarah Gilmour and Sophie Quinn made up an U11 4x50m freestyle relay team. The girls had done a fantastic job to qualify for the event winning both of their previous swims to be there. 


They faced some tough competition and swam from lane 3. Charlotte got us off to a fantastic start. Zarah swam second and flew through her 50m. Sophie then jumped in and kept us in a great position going into the last change and then Primrose flew home to finish in 4th place. 


The swim was their fastest out of all the swims they have done beathing their PB by 4 seconds. Well done girls, OGPS are very proud of your efforts and how well you represented yourselves and OGPS. 




What a fantastic day we had yesterday at the District Cross Country at the Eastern Gardens in Geelong. 


We had 46 students attend the event and run on the day. The 9/10 year olds started the day with their event being ran over 2km. In the 9/10 year old boys we had Lachie Fountain finish 5th meaning he will progress to the Division Cross Country event. In the same race we had Alby O’loughlan finish 9th and Jack Kelly finish 10th meaning they will be the 1st and 2nd emergency. 


In the 9/10 girls who also ran 2km we had Sophie Edwards run a fantastic race finishing 8th and progressing to the division event. Grace Buckingham finished 10th and is the second emergency. 


Second age group was the 11 year olds who ran 3km. Again we had some amazing results with Eddie Henry finishing 2nd, Ned Speirs 3rd and Jude Beckworth 6th. They will all progress to the division event. In the same race Denham Hansford finished 9th and is the first emergency.


Our 11 year old girls had a brilliant race with OGPS having 5 runners in the top 8 with Primrose Hyde finishing 1st, Charlotte Edwards 2nd, Daisy Lord 5th, Parker Cardillo 7th and Halle Branigan 8th. They will all run in the division event with Zarah Gilmour finishing 9th and being first emergency. 


The 12/13 year olds ran 3km as well and again we had some brilliant performances with Oke Willis finishing 3rd, Buddy Guilford 6th and Kai Tannahill 7th. All boys will run in the division event. 


The girls 12/13 year old we had Tahlia Fisher finish 2nd, Adele Micallef finish 4th, Mia-Rose Johnson finishing 7th and Wynne Jackson finishing 8th. Again all the girls will run in the division event. 


Congratulations to all the students who represented OGPS yesterday. We couldn’t be more proud of your effort and sportsmanship throughout the day. Your behaviour was impeccable, as was your support for all the OGPS runners and all the very best to the runners progressing to the Division Cross County.