Principal Message

Dear Families, 


Student leadership: It’s been a big few days for the School Captains. Last Thursday they were heavily involved in the ANZAC Day commemoration in Ocean Grove. They led our school in the march along The Parade and then read the Requiem as part of the formal proceedings. What an honour and experience. Also, a number of other students attended and participated in the march too. Thanks for supporting the leaders. Thanks to Kristy Dodds for being the point of contact too. 



Then on Monday, I met the 5 captains at the Geelong Town Hall where they actively participated in the GRIP leadership conference for students. They were challenged to explore their strengths, areas of opportunity to improve and speak with students from across the region. Special thanks to the parents for transporting the leaders to and from OG!



Welcome to Country: On Friday 31st May (approx 2.30pm) we will be welcoming Corinna Eccles and the Wadawurrung community to our school for a traditional Welcome to Country fire ceremony. We will publish more information about this over the next few weeks but hope to have as many people from within the community attend. Pop the date in your diary now so you can attend. 


District Cross Country: 44 students qualified and attended the district cross country yesterday with 17 of our athletes qualifying for the next level - Division. Congratulations to all athletes on their efforts. There were some outstanding results. I’m sure there will be more reports later in the newsletter. Thanks to Mr Horbury, Mr Connor and Julie Lewis for supervising and organising the runners. 


Year 5 Camp: Look out Lady Northcote, our amazing Year 5 team have arrived. This is one of the best camps I have been to in my career and I look forward to visiting the kids on camp. Parents, be ready for some tired kids on Friday! We may push out a notification/email when the bus leaves the camp on Friday so you know when the bus will arrive. Please leave Draper St available for then buses to park in. Thanks in advance to the staff who have organised and planned the camp and to the amazing parent volunteers who attended and assisted. Camps like these don’t just happen. There is hours of planning and documentation, medication collection, organising and lack of sleep to ensure we all have a great camping experience. Please thank the staff and volunteers on Friday when the bus arrives.


Have a great week everyone.

Scott McCumber
