Principal's Report 


Two busy and productive weeks have passed. 


Week 3 we had our College Cross Country and the Year 10-12 Careers Expo in Melbourne. 


We also welcome back Mr and Mrs DeManser from leave and from all reports had a relaxing and wonderful time. 


We would like to wish Ms Kate Brown all the very best at her new school Warrnambool College. We thank her for her service to the school community. I know she will be sadly missed by all. 


Thank you to all the students, staff and parents who turned out to the ANZAC day march. I think of the story that was told on the day where a father did not recognise his son when he returned from war. Not only must we pay our respects to those who did not return but we also need to show empathy and support to those who return and still suffer the traumatic effects of war either physically or mentally. 


Well done to Harley Pickford and Jack Richie who represented the school last week for clay target shooting in Colac. In particular Harley who came second overall. 


Can students and parents please be reminded that students don’t need to be at school before 8:30am each day.  The only exemption is a school bus who drops off students at 8:27am. Thank you for cooperation as teachers are often busy getting ready for the day by planning lessons. 


I am appreciative of the opportunity to be Principal for the past two weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and thank you for all the support.


Kind regards


Nathan Jones

Acting Principal - Weeks 1-2



It was wonderful to get back from leave and find the term had started so smoothly. 

Many thanks to Michelle & Nathan and the rest of the staff for covering my duties so well in my absence.

This term is an action packed one with sport, excursions and performances. It’s a wonderful feature of our school that students have the opportunity to participate in such a myriad of activities but it does require careful organisation and diligence in keeping on top of class work, particularly for our senior students. Please keep an eye on the calendar and contact your child’s advocate or class teacher if you are unsure of any particular dates or activities.


I was lucky enough to be back in time to watch the cross country last Monday. We had some great performances, none better though than the students who persisted and did their best despite cross country not being their favourite activity. 

Winning is great but grit, persistence and endeavour are the attributes that grow successful adults. Good luck to those students going on to compete at the next level.



On Wednesday, Inspire are running their fundraiser in support of Dolly’s Dream. This organisation is committed to changing the culture of bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide through education and support of young people and their families. I know this is an objective shared by all parents and teachers, so I urge you to remind your children about the day and to perhaps take the opportunity to talk about the way we treat each other and what we can do if we feel someone is bullying us or someone we know.



We noticed last week that we have some students arriving at school quite early in the mornings. 

Unfortunately, we don’t have the capacity to supervise students before 8.30 so please don’t send them until the appropriate time. 

Their Care is available for any primary students who need to be dropped off early- ask at the office or see the flyers further in the newsletter for details of how to book. 

Anyone who arrives before yard duty starts will be asked to remain in the front foyer outside my office, or in Mrs Carmody’s office until 8.30.



Preparations for our 5-12 Production, Lion King Jnr, are in full swing.

The production is a great example of the team efforts at our school. On Sunday we had a super team of volunteer students, teaching staff, well being staff, parents and a grand parent working in the GGC to start creating the world of Lion King.

Please find a poster with the dates attached to the newsletter today. Tickets will be available via Eventbrite soon.

The production team are looking for newspapers to help with their set building. If you are still a print form reader, we’d really appreciate your old papers. 





Our school wide positive behaviour focus at the moment is good manners. So many of the world’s problems could be solved by being kinder and more considerate of each other. 



On Friday we will celebrate the mother figures in our lives with an afternoon tea in the GGC. Thanks to Mrs Carmody for organising this and I look forward to catching up with many of you over a cup of tea. Don’t forget to RSVP to the office.



Please come and join us for our celebration of Education Week. Next Monday, the 13th May, we would like to invite you all to join us for breakfast at 8.30 am followed by the opportunity to observe our period 1 classes or take a tour of the school. We’re hoping this will be a relaxed and informal opportunity to celebrate all the wonderful learning taking place at our school.


Anne De Manser

Acting Principal