Parents & Friends

Coming Soon - School Beanies!
This term, we're running a beanie fundraiser!
More information coming soon, but here's a sneak peek!
Family BBQ Monday 13th May
Join us for a whole school BBQ after special person's afternoon - this Monday 13th May!
Bring your special person, chair, picnic blanket and drink bottle for a sausage and play after school!
If you are able to help out with cooking or serving, email jo (
Next P&F meeting
Come along to our next parent's and Friends meeting - Thursday 16th May after school.
We meet on the benches outside the foundation/1 classrooms.
New faces are always welcome so come along and say hi!
Parents & Friends Reccos
Looking for something to do - check out these ideas!
The Great Moscow Circus is coming to Bendigo!
31st May - 9th June.
Don't miss the Festival on Light and Peace at The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion!
Saturday 18 May 4pm - 8pm
Recipe of the Week
It's starting to cool off, time for some warm soups!
Try this dumpling noodle soup!