'Talking the Talk' Program

Healthy Sexuality Education 

During this term our school will be providing a classroom sex education program that focuses on physical, social, and emotional changes, protective behaviours and consent. 


Called 'Talking the Talk', the program has been developed by Vanessa Hamilton, a sexual health nurse and expert in the area of healthy, positive sex education. Based on current research, literature and resources, combined with real life experiences of the tens of thousands of conversations Vanessa has had with people about sex and sexuality, TTT sessions provide a foundation for positive child, adolescent & adult sexuality.


The lessons will be taught by class teachers and contain age-appropriate content in line with the Australian Curriculum and focused on respectful relationships, consent and sexuality education.


This is the third year that we have worked with Vanessa to deliver this important learning at SKiPPS. We feel that it is important that young people receive factual information in this area to support their emerging understandings, rather than being exposed to potentially damaging and inaccurate information via other avenues.


The lessons will deliver age-appropriate content using a fact-based approach. A variety of materials will be used to deliver the content in a sensitive manner, including:

  • Games
  • Conversations
  • Audio and visual media


St Kilda Park respects your family’s role in teaching Sexuality Education and hope that these lessons support and facilitate further conversations. 


If any families would like to discuss this program further or would rather their child did not take part in the program, they should email Neil Scott on neil.scott@education.vic.gov.au

 Content at each year level


  • What is safe and unsafe 
  • Body Parts - Private vs Public and naming simplest genitals
  • Safety Network - Identify trusted adults
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: How to ask for help, Everyone can be strong and gentle, Anyone can choose



  • We all grow up - Body changes
  • I know my body - Body parts including simple genitals 
  • Safe and Unsafe, Body Boundaries, Safety Network 
  • Feelings and help seeking behaviours
  • Consent and Respect  
  • Respectful Relationships: Inclusive Gender Stories, Using Personal Strengths to resist gender stereotyping, The opposite of violence is respect



  • We All Grow Up 
  • Naming Body Parts Including Genitals
  • Sexuality Diversity Briefly Introduced
  • Introduction to Puberty Changes: Emotional and Physical
  • The Amazing Story of Conception, Pregnancy & Birth
  • Protective Safety (Body Safety)
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving


  • We All Grow up 
  • Naming Body Parts
  • Sexuality Diversity Revisited
  • What is Puberty
  • Puberty Changes: Emotional and Physical
  • Puberty Continued - What Happens and What You Need 
  • Conception, Pregnancy & Birth
  • Protective Safety 
  • Question & Answer
  • Consent
  • Respectful Relationships: Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping, Problem Solving, Stress Management

Parent Information Session 

As in previous years, we will be running a parent information session, 

hosted by Vanessa Hamilton (Talking the Talk). If you have not attended one of Vanessa’s sessions before, we strongly recommend this to help you understand how to have the right conversations with your child at the right time. The session will be held over Zoom.


Date: Monday 6th May

Time: 8 - 9.30pm


For bookings and access on the evening, please scan the QR code or type 

in this link: 

