
Anna Nguyen - House Leader

Welcome back!


As we kick off Term 2, Aquila House is thrilled to be back and ready for another awesome term. 


Firstly, I would like to congratulate the following students on their appointment to the Aquila Student Representative Council (SRC), who will meet throughout the year to discuss important issues and be the student voice to provide feedback on ways to improve our school. 


Year 7 – Gurpreet Bains

Year 8 – Miroslav Djukic

Year 9 – Cody Flechsig

Year 10 – Salina Balay

Year 11 – Emilia Rusec

Year 12 - Dewmanthi Perera



This year, as mentioned below by our Aquila House Captains, Erion and Gabby, one of Aquila’s focal points is to develop and strengthen our sense of belonging and community, both within our House and the school. This includes encouraging students to engage and participate in school programs and activities such as our Pastoral Program, House Athletics Day coming up, SIS Sports, lunchtime activities and clubs, the musical and a range of other activities provided by St John’s. 


Hi, this is Erion Veli and Gabby Castro, the House Captains for Aquila in 2024. This year, as Captains, we hope to see all of Aquila students stay strong together and that we all develop trust and comfort with each other so that we can stick together and uplift our team spirit. Being a part of Aquila means supporting every member and helping each other grow and work together as a team. We Captains have been pushing people to push past their comfort zones and try new things in activities like the Aquatics Carnival, Pastoral activities (mindfulness, puzzles and origami, card games, just dance, etc) and the Interhouse Volleyball Competition to name just a few. We hope that through interactions within Aquila in general, it will create a connection in the following year levels so that, upon our departure, we can be sure that everyone will be great and prepared to continue and succeed in everything to the best of our abilities!



Let’s make the most of Term 2 together, embracing every opportunity for growth, learning and fun!


Go Aquila!