Junior School News

The Junior School has had a wonderful start to 2024. We have Kingston Council running Meditation each Tuesday lunch and lunchtime activities for the Year 7s each Monday. Our weekly briefings for the new Year 7s have provided a lovely opportunity to get together as a group each week and discuss key information with the students.
The Junior School team
Sarah-Louise Jacobs, Year 7 Student Manager
Danielle Gratz, Year 8 Student Manager
Tess Molina, Director of Junior School
Emma Colmanet, Assistant Director of Junior School emma.colmanet@education.vic.gov.au
How to contact us
- Your child’s student manager is their/your go to person. They will liaise with any other staff necessary to support your child
- Email or call the Junior School Office 9581 5240.
- We will get back to you within 24-48 hours
- If we need to coordinate a meeting, we will book in a time when we are not teaching. If so, please sign in at the General Office
Ms Tess Molina
Director of Junior School
Camp review
Year 7 camp at Arrabri Lodge in East Warburton was a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in our year level. It was so much fun to join in activities such as mini golf, peer support, low ropes and archery, but the thrill and excitement of the flying fox and the giant swing were definite camp highlights! The House activities were exciting because we got to meet other girls in our houses and the year 10 peer support leaders were super nice and gave everything a go with us which was lots of fun. Due to the hot weather, everyone was very excited for their pool session. The walk to the Yarra River was hard in the sun but the reward of the refreshing water made it all worthwhile. We had a dance off, where we got to create a dance with our cabin mates and perform it in front of everyone, which was silly and fun.
Overall, we had a great time at camp and would like to thank the staff at Arabri and the MGSC staff who made it happen.
Sienna M, Dylan M, Isla L
Year 7 camp was a fantastic time for all. Fun activities, great experiences and awesome
peer support made camp an unforgettable experience. We had the opportunity to participate in many fun activities such as the giant swing, the flying fox, the swimming pool, team games and much more. On the first night we participated in the Mini Olympics! This was a fun activity where we gathered in our houses and competed in a variety of mini sport-based activities. Each house tried their best to gain the most points for each activity as each point was tallied up to the final result. Once we finished the Mini Olympics, we came together in our cabin groups and presented an act for the talent show! With only 20 minutes to prepare, each group was excitedly racing around to gather their ideas into one performance. The creative energy was contagious!
Another highlight for many was the giant swing. The feeling of flying free was amazing!
Everyone lined up and pulled the rope as hard as they could to make the person extend
higher. Once they were at the top, you had to gently hold the rope and the instructor would
release them. This was super fun as you glided through the air really fast. We had lots of fun working as team and collaborating with new people.
The best thing about camp was making new friends and meeting new peers. Being in a
cabin and activity group` with different people allowed everyone to branch out and create
new friendships. Enjoying free time to hang out and play games with new people really
helped to make the transition from primary school to Year 7 more enjoyable!
A big thank you to all the teachers and staff that helped make this camp the best it could be!
Gemma O