College Matters

A message from Detta Gordon
I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the progression of another fulfilling term here at MGSC. As we move further into the academic year, I am delighted to share some recent highlights and important reminders from our vibrant school community.
On Friday 26 April we had the pleasure of hosting an excellent Staff Professional Development Day. The day was filled with enriching sessions focused on enhancing our teaching practices and supporting student success. From delving into the effective use of data to fostering literacy and numeracy improvements, as well as prioritising student wellbeing, it was a fantastic opportunity for learning and collaboration.
One of the significant highlights of the day was the launch of our new FIDE Instructional Model to staff. This model, which has been meticulously crafted through staff input, aligns with our school values, AITSL standards, E5 Instructional Model, Practice Principles, High Impact Teaching Strategies, and The Department of Education’s FISO 2.0. We are excited to roll out this model in all classes moving forward, knowing it will further empower our educators and enhance student outcomes.
Show & Tell night
Our recent Show and Tell Night was a resounding success, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our students and the support of our school community. Students took the lead in showcasing the excellence of our school through self-authored speeches and presentations highlighting our diverse range of programs. It was truly heartwarming to witness our students' confidence and passion as they shared their experiences with prospective families. I extend my sincerest gratitude to all the students, staff, and volunteers who contributed to making the evening memorable and impactful.
As a gentle reminder, the academic semester will conclude two weeks before the term ends on Thursday 13 June. Following this Friday 14 June will be designated as a student free Report Writing day for our dedicated staff to work diligently to provide comprehensive feedback on your child's progress.
Semester 2 classes will commence promptly on Monday 17 June, marking the beginning of class/elective changes in student timetables and another engaging chapter in our educational journey.
As always, I encourage open communication and collaboration between home and school to ensure the continued success and growth of our students. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to MGSC.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in the education journey of our students.
Detta Gordon
Assistant Principal, Teaching & Learning
The Student Dress code can be viewed on the College website and attached here.
Either summer or winter uniform may be worn in April and May.
All students must wear full winter uniform by 1st June until the end of August.
The school uniform supplier, Bob Stewart is located at 93 Balcombe Road Mentone.
See the website for open hours and purchase options. Bob Stewart
The PFA Second-hand uniform shop is open Tuesdays 2:45pm to 3:45pm and Fridays 8:15am to 9:15am during term.
PFA Second-hand uniform shop
The additional open time to prepare for winter dress requirements has been rescheduled to Friday 17 May, 1.15pm to 2.15pm.
Stock required
Good quality uniform items can be donated or will be sold on consignment. All proceeds go towards the work the PFA does to support our students and their learning experience. Particularly sought are winter dress pants, sport track pants and rugby tops.
Items can be left at the General Office – clearly labelled with contact details and bank account if a payment is required.
Enquiries to
Carol Duggan: Student Engagement & Wellbeing, Senior School
Hayley Dureau: Student Learning Growth, Middle School
Detta Gordon: Teaching and Learning, Junior School