Senior School News

We have had a great start to term 2. The year 11s and 12s have been busy using the VCE Centre to complete homework and to revise for upcoming SACs and CATs. Now that the weather is starting to turn cold, a reminder for students to wear their correct school uniform. All students must wear full winter uniform by 1st June until the end of August. Either summer or winter uniform may be worn in September and October and full summer uniform is to be worn from November 1st until the end of the year. This includes navy pants as an alternative to the winter skirt - black pants or track pants are not acceptable.
Year 7 and 12 Fancy Dress
Rehearsals started this week for the annual Year 7 and Year12 Fancy Dress Competition. This year the theme is ‘Taylor Swift.’ Each class will wear a simple costume that will reflect this theme. All Year 7 form groups are working with a group of Year 12 students, choreographing dances for selected songs. These dances will be performed at the event. Prizes will be given for the most creative costumes and House Points for the best form group dance. We are all looking forward to the finished performances!
Year 11 Semester 1 Exam Period
The Year 11 Exam period runs from Friday 31 May through to Friday 7 June.
All Unit 1 Subjects will have an exam. Students should use these exams to practice revision skills and reflect on what revision techniques work best for them.This is a good learning opportunity in preparation for Year 12 Exams.
Emma Holman
Director of Senior School