Chatham Happenings

Years 1/2 Excursion to Como House - Friday 3rd May 2024
On Friday 3rd May, our Year 1 and 2 students had the privilege of going on an excursion to Como House and Gardens in South Yarra. All dresse-up for a day back in time to the 1900s and students took part in lots of joyous activities. These included learning how the laundry was undertaken without a washing machine, identifying the different bell sounds that were used to ring for the various rooms around the house, old fashioned games like egg and spoon race, sack races, hot potato and croquet, along with a grand tour of the Como House mansion. The students even learned how to dance the Waltz to classical music.
The students spent time enjoying and learning about the olden days without electricity and running water from a tap. Students found running around in long dresses could be a little challenging too in the past. All these wonderful activities coincided well with what the students have been learning about at school as part of our Inquiry Unit - History – Past and Present.
Ms Anita Buccieri
Year 1/2 Teacher