University News

Major changes in WA

Big changes are happening at WA universities


The University of WA has made a significant pivot and it now takes mature students based on their life experience, and it has introduced micro-credentials as a component of its entry pathways. The micro-credentials can be used to gain credits at UWA.

UWA’s client satisfaction survey results are improving and there seems to be a significant shift underway to a more diverse and supportive culture. 



ECU is working up to its 2026 move to its city campus near Perth railway station. 

WAAPA courses will move in there along with some business courses that WAAPA students can take to learn how to manage their own careers and creative enterprises. 


Curtin is planning to pivot its culture to build on the ethical leadership and achievements of their namesake, Prime Minister John Curtin. 

Curtin University already has a reputation for academic excellence. Embracing the values of John Curtin will add a new and excellent dimension to the culture of the university. 





All universities are reaching out to schools as they compete with each other for future students. This is great for schools and for individual students who can take advantage of the opportunities that are emerging at a rapid pace.


ATAR students continue to succeed at uni

Uni students who have gained entry through ATAR continue to experience the most success, even doing two or three ATAR courses increases a student’s chance of success. 

All universities are creating alternative pathways into degrees, and they are developing more support for students who are struggling.


Two Way TAFE Pathways

  • More vocational courses now deliver credits into university courses:
    • VET enrolled nursing qualification leads into registered nursing, 
    • Many IT courses lead from VET diplomas into degrees. 
  • As universities recognise experience, workers will be able to build their careers by undertaking higher qualifications throughout their careers. 
  • With so many VET courses currently being free, there is more transition from uni courses into VET ones where uni graduates seek technical skills to advance their careers. 

Universities Accord

Bigger changes have been heralded by the launch of the remarkable Universities Accord which impacts all post school education, not just universities. 

Our universities in WA seem to have anticipated many of the initiatives that are identified in the Accord and they have started to move in the recommended directions. 

You can download a copy of the Accord HERE


The most popular courses in WA

The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) processed over 28,000 applications to WA’s five universities this year. Here were the 10 courses that received the most applications for 2024:

UWADoctor of Dental Medicine via Bachelor of Biomedicine (Specialised)2,284
CurtinBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery1,667
CurtinBachelor of Commerce1,118
CurtinBachelor of Engineering (Honours)1,102
UWABachelor of Commerce1,063
UWABachelor of Engineering (Honours)1,043
UWABachelor of Science1,025
UWABachelor of Biomedical Science922
CurtinBachelor of Science (Nursing)890
CurtinBachelor of Biomedical Sciences852


You can discover information about how many students applied for all university courses in 2024 HERE


Early Offers not made until 2 September

All WA universities will be open applications for 2025 on 1 May. 

The first offers will not be made until 2 September. This is a significant change which brings our procedures into line with a consistent cross jurisdictional approach.

More information can be found HERE. 


UWA is changing

In 2023 UWA piloted the UWA + Starter Program in which students can complete micro-credentials while still at school. By completing 3 micro-credentials, students can get credit towards a degree. 

Find details HERE. 

Term 3 Enrolments Open 15 April

  • Microcredentials available in term 3 will be available on 15 April. Enrolments are due by 14 June. 
  • Term 4 microcredentials will be available on 15 July. Enrolments are due 6 September. 

In the future they are going to start allowing students to enrol directly, rather than through the school. Visit for details.



ECU Outstanding student satisfaction

We are used to ECU achieving outstanding graduate outcomes results from QILT and from the Good Universities Guide. This year ECU told us about their outstanding longitudinal results which measure outcomes 3 years after graduation.

  • 93% were in full time employment, which is higher than all other WA universities. 
  • They earn more with a median full-time salary of $86,900.
  • 71.8% are in professional or managerial positions
  • The highest paying jobs were in computing and information systems, engineering, health services, teacher education and nursing. 


The 2023 Good Universities Guide gave ECU five stars in overall Experience, Student Support, Skills Development, Learning Resources and Teaching Quality. 


The School of Business and Law is now the biggest school at ECU and they proudly talked of their international and national status and achievements, including its ranking in the top 6% of the prestigious AACSB rankings.  

Their efforts must be a significant contributor to the outstanding ECU student satisfaction results. 


New ECU Courses 


They have the “new” one year Graduate Diploma in Teaching for both Primary and Secondary teachers. It leads to the second year in the Master of Teaching:




Students who achiever 94 or above in their ATAR can be awarded a $20,000 Engineering scholarship. There are 5 available per high school in WA. 

Also check the Sir Frank Ledger Scholarship





Arts & Humanities – new in 2025

Paid Professional Social Work Placements

Course practicum requirements are frequently a barrier to students who must stop their work to attend non paid on site learning experiences. ECU has arranged for field placement students to be paid. 

Make enquiries HERE


Medical and Health Science Career Categories

The Medical and Health Science School has identified these five personas that match people to medical careers.

To do the Career Finder Quiz go HERE and identify Health as your preferred industry.