Senior School News

A big welcome back to our Year 11 and 12 Students and families. It is pleasing to see that the VCE students have shown enthusiasm towards their studies and are making good use of the VCE Centre during their study periods.  They all seem ready for a productive year!

We also extend a very warm welcome to all new students who have joined MGSC for their VCE. We hope you settle in quickly and make lots of new friends.


It has been a busy start to Term 1. To date we have had the Year 12 Conference, photo day, year level assemblies, lunchtime briefings, Senior Round Robin and the Year 12 Formal is tonight!

Year 12 Conference

The day started with making the Year 12 mural (time lapse to come) and receiving their Year 12 badge. We had three past students Julia Pasarelli (class 2015), Tash Carmeni (Class 2024) and Kasey Cutler (Class 2021). It was lovely to have the students return and share their journey after Year 12. They all spoke highly of their time at MGSC and offered some great advice to this year’s cohort. We then had two engaging motivational speakers; Sasha Kaluri and Sonya Karras, talking to them about careers, success, and real issues they deal with everyday. 


Thank you to the Senior School team for planning and running the Year 12 Conference.

Senior School Team

Our Senior School team this year is:

Assistant PrincipalMrs Carol
Director of Senior School Ms Emma
Assistant Director of Senior SchoolMrs Ilana Parker
Year 12 Student Manager Ms Sefija
Year 11 Student ManagerMs Samantha

If you wish to contact any of the team, please email or call: 9581 5231.

Year 11 & Year 12 Policy Agreement

Thank you to the families who have provided consent to the Policy Agreement outlined on compass. This includes the Attendance Policy, Assessment and Reporting Policy, including Rescheduling SACs, and the Authentication of Student Work Policy.

It is important that all students and parents/guardians are aware of the school’s regulations and standards in line with VCAA guidelines. You can find this as an event on Compass.

VCE Unit 3 & 4 Practice Exams

VCE students completing a Unit 3 & 4 study will participate in practice exams during the second week of the September School Holidays (Mon 29 September to Thu 2 October). The school will run practice exams as it will help students gain valuable insight into their progress and be able to pinpoint areas for revision before the external exams. It is an expectation that all students will attend these exams. A timetable will be released closer to the time.


Emma Holman

Director of Senior School