Year 2/3

Tobie and I are thrilled to welcome all our Grade 2 and 3 students to a brand new school year! It has been an exciting week, filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and fun. Our classroom has had periods of intense quietness as we undertook some testing in English and Maths. We have been getting to know each through a variety of learning activities as well as play and general conversations. Our goal is to create a positive and supportive learning environment where every child feels valued and encouraged to do their best. We look forward to working closely with you and your child to make this year a memorable and successful one.
As a class, we have started to unpack our Inquiry subject for the term. The theme of Sustainability is our focus. Grade 2/3's had the opportunity to use and develop their senses to observe the environment around them. Focusing firstly on the classroom and their own space and then through a walking tour of the Stephanie Alexander garden. Our theme this term pairs beautifully with the Catholic Social Teaching of 'Care for our Common Home'. This will be explored in much more detail over coming weeks.
Kris and Tobie