Physical Education

Health & PE News
The weather is warm but with hats, sunscreen and a positive approach we have dived into our sport sessions this week! If the weather is too warm we will hold our PE sessions indoors in the Delkhunya building with air conditioning (as we did for two classes this week). PE sessions will take place each Tuesday again this year. Students are to wear their sports uniform on this day which includes polo top, shorts, navy socks and runners and of course hats. Please label your child’s hat.
During each session, students will be engaged in a health focused discussion, exploring many health concepts over the course of the year, a warm up followed by physical, fundamental motor and social skill development through practise drills, games, activities, relays, obstacle courses and circuits. Our focus is on participation, cooperation, persistence, enjoyment and personal skill development.
In Term One we will be beginning with a focus on team building games and activities. This will be followed by Hockey related skills and games including a Hockey Clinic run by Hockey Victoria! Later in the term our mid to senior school students will focus on Netball, Football andBasketball related skills and activities with our first District Sports Day taking place towards the end of term, where students get the opportunity to further develop skills, engage with students from other schools and represent our school in different sports. Our junior students will explore and develop ball handling skills as well as running and team work as they engage in different tabloid games in preparation for the District Tabloid Sports day held in early Term Two with F-2 students from schools in our area.
A range of other fundamental movement skills and sports will be developed and explored over the course of the year including PMP (perceptual motor program) and Kickball for F/1 students as well as T Ball, Handball, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics and Swimming to name a few.
Looking forward to a fun and active year!
Please contact me if you have any questions or queries regarding Health and PE throughout the year.
Regular seesaw updates will be posted to keep you informed of our class experiences and learning.
I will be in contact with any information regarding school-based PE events, incursions and District sporting events as they arise each term…stay tuned!
Clare Grainger
Health & PE and Science Specialist Teacher