Catholic Identity

Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have  served at St. Mary’s.  

It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.






  • Upcoming Important dates




Opening School Mass and Retirement Celebrations

St Mary's Primary School Opening School Mass will be held on Friday, 21st February  followed by a special Presentation Assembly to celebrate the retirement of Monsignor Peter. This will take place between at 11.45pm in the Marian Centre. As part of this celebration, all classes will present a small gift or tribute to Mons at the assembly. 


 All parents, friends and parishioners are invited to join us for this special mass and farewell for Monsignor Peter on behalf of the school community.


New - World Day of Prayer


Sacramental program for 2025.

For those families who are interested in their child/ children celebrating the Sacraments of 

Reconciliation (Grade 3), First Eucharist (Grade 4) or Confirmation (Grade 6):

Sacramental enrolment forms will be available in Term One, 2025, and no enrolments will be accepted after the end of Term One, 2025, for any of the sacraments.

Dates are yet to be set for the sacramental celebrations.



“Along the Track” article.

The latest edition of “Along the Track” entitled “Another Year of School” is attached to today’s newsletter.

" we care for our children, how we encourage and support them, how we help them to discover new ways and new ideas, how we help them to appreciate each other is building a better world, a better future, helping to bring about the vision of God. And in doing so, may we always remember that we are all precious in God’s


This interesting article is well worth a read and may be found below. 


New - External Encounter Opportunity

Live Your Best Life in Love...

A Marriage Encounter weekend is for you…

Every married couple deserves this very special weekend. Time-out to nurture your most precious relationship away from daily distractions.  The two of you will come away from your weekend feeling more deeply connected and with tools to help keep the passion alive. No group sharing required.

The weekend is based around Catholic values. Couples of all faiths are welcome. Please check the website below for more details and to book your special weekend:

Our next weekend is: 25-27 April 2025 at St Paul's Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.

Starts Friday evening at 7pm and finishes Sunday afternoon around 4:30pm

Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or



Dates to Remember

Beginning of Year Mass: Friday, 21st February at 11:45am in the Marian Centre.

Ash Wednesday Mass: Wednesday, 5th March at 9:45am in St. Mary’s Church.

St Patrick’s Day: Monday 17th March  Wear Green and bring a gold coin donation for Caritas

Holy Week Liturgy : Monday, 31st March at 2.30pm in the Marian Centre. This Liturgy will replace Assembly for this week. All classes will be involved.  

Easter Bonnet Parade  - Friday, 4th April at 9.15am in the Marian Centre


Kind regards,

Ann-Margaret Carroll