Parents & Friends

2024 Committee

President - Vanessa Sleeth, Vice President/Secretary - Laura Church, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Public Relations Officer - Currently Vacant,  Communications - Anita Gray, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, General Committee Members - Jess Church,  Alena Ratcliffe, Chelsea Crawford, Celeste Prygoda, Gemma De Penning, Hannah Crawford and Matt Ryan. 


A Message from our Outgoing President

Hello all from our Parents and Friends Committee


Hoping all in our school community are settling into Term 1 and that our Grade 5/6s had a great time at our new school camp experience in Melbourne.


A huge congratulations to Mons who has recently officially retired. We wish him well and thank him for all he has contributed to our school community – his beautiful school masses and gentle, engaged presence at school events and in our community. We look forward to seeing you from time to time Mons.


As mentioned in our last school Newsletter, I will soon hand over the reins of President of our Parents and Friends to another lucky community member. Our AGM will be held on Wednesday March 5th at 6pm, and all positions will be declared open after this meeting where new members will be elected. I have loved my time on the P&F. We have an incredible group of passionate committee members who are focused on supporting our school community through fundraising and organising special events. We love to see new members and it really is a very small time commitment with meetings held once a term, and many volunteers willing to support us in our work. 


On fundraising, before long Easter will be upon us. We plan to run our Easter raffle in the last week of term and, as we do each year, are seeking donations of all things Easter so that we can create hampers for our prizes. If you know anyone who would be happy to donate a voucher, please reach out to them. This is one of our favourite fundraisers because it brings so much joy to our community. Please leave donations at the main office.


A reminder about our Welcome BBQ next week on the 27th of February – we always benefit from having a few volunteers on that night so if you would like to assist please don’t hesitate to call or email me.


Next Newsletter will be my last. If you would like to discuss taking on a role on our P&F, or becoming a general committee member, please contact me on 0400922441 or It is such a wonderful way to really make a difference in the school lives of your children. 


Warm wishes,


Vanessa Sleeth

President, Parents and Friends Committee

Next Meeting 

AGM will be held on Wednesday March 5th at 6pm,