Specialist Classes
Specialist Classes
Over the past two weeks, the Grade F-2 students have been revising their colours and took part in a mini test. Congratulations to the students for their listening skills and using their best Italian expressions to say the colours in Italian. Have you seen the Facebook post of our F/1 students? Very cute!!!
The 3-6 students have shown their geographical knowledge in an activity where they needed to search for famous Italian landmarks and plot them on the map of Italy.
This week in Sport, Years 2-6 extended on their bowls skills by putting all their practice into action playing small structured games. It was fantastic to see everyone actively enjoying themselves and celebrating each other's successes. Once again, Mrs. Brennan was very proud of everyone's participation and good sportsmanship.
The Foundation and Year 1 students focused on following instructions by playing basic games such as 'Duck-Duck-Goose' and 'Tunnel Ball'. They also had exposure to bowling and showed much improvement in their technique. Due to the very hot weather, the juniors had their lessons in the Cill Dara, but that didn't stop them from enjoying themselves!
The enthusiasm during the bowls program has been palpable!!
We are well underway with our paper skills unit in Art learning lots of new skills and techniques and applying them to create some beautiful birds. The junior classes have been using paper plates to create chickens and peacocks and the senior classes have been using coloured paper to create exotic birds and will create a jungle scene for the background as well.
We can’t wait to show off our finished products very soon!