Religious Education and Social Justice

Social Justice News: Zooper Dooper Fridays
As part of our Social Justice initiatives, we are selling Zooper Doopers at lunchtime on Fridays this term. The money raised will be donated to various charitable organisations during the year such as Catholic Mission, Mary MacKillop Foundation and St Vincent de Paul to help support the wonderful work they do in working with people in need. Zooper Doopers cost $1.00 each.
2025 Sacrament Dates
First Reconciliation - Year 3
- First Reconciliation Workshop: Tuesday 4th March, 7:00 pm at Annunciation Primary School Brooklyn
Sacrament of First Reconciliation: Thursday 20th March, 6:00 pm at Annunciation Church Brooklyn
First Eucharist (Holy Communion) - Year 3
First Eucharist Workshop: Thursday 30th April, 7.00 pm at Corpus Christi School
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Celebrated during the parish weekend Masses. Families will be able to nominate which Mass they would like to attend. There will be a limit of 5 children to receive the sacrament per Mass.
Saturday 17th May, 5:00 pm at St Augustine’s Church
Sunday 18th May 8:00 am at Annunciation Church or 9:30 am at St Augustine’s or 11:00 am at Corpus Christi Church
Saturday 24th May, 5:00 pm at St Augustine’s Church
Sunday 25th May, 8:00 am at Annunciation or 9:30 am at St Augustine’s or 11:00 am at Corpus Christi
Confirmation - Year 6
Confirmation Workshop: 7:00 pm, Tuesday 6th May at St. Augustine’s School
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday 1st June, 2:00 pm at St. Augustine’s Church
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader