From the Principal

Dear families,

It has been a very busy week here at STM. Yesterday we held our annual STM Swimming Carnival, the students did an amazing job and were well supported by our staff and amazing parent helpers (of which there were many!!!). Thanks Mrs Wicks for your wonderful organisation yet again. Mrs Wicks will be in touch with those students who have progressed to the District Carnival. Unfortunately the school is closed on the 28th of February, the same date the District Carnival is set to be held, so it may mean parents are taking their children to the event. 


Just a note for clarity sake that parents first point of call for any incident (academic, socially or behaviourally) should always be the classroom teacher. I am always open to have conversations with parents and teachers about their children, however it is important to have processes and give the classroom teacher an opportunity to problem solve with families. If there is a serious issue by all means email or contact myself, but please include the classroom teacher. 


A call for helpers!! Parents and Friends Committee:

As we have many new families at STM, we are putting a call out to anyone who would like to join our amazing Parents and Friends Committee, if you are interested please contact myself or new President, Emily Atkinson ( We know life is super busy, but any small contributions of time and effort would be greatly appriciated. 


First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist:

In 2025 along with the St Thomas More Parish, we will be running programs for families interested in the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist. First Reconciliation will be held in late June and First Eucharist will be held in August. 


These Sacraments are open for students who are in Year 3 this year and for any other students who may have missed due to school change or other reasons. We will next be offering First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2027. Confirmation will take place for eligible students in 2026. If you are interested in any of the 2025 Sacraments please get in contact with Mrs Marcia Janky to add your name to the list (


Zooper Dooper season is upon us:

Last week Mr Mc gave everyone a free Zooper Dooper because he forgot to put information in the newsletter, but if this keeps happening he will run out of money. So from tomorrow Zooper Dooper's are on sale from $1 each. School leaders will visit classrooms around 1pm to hand out the purchased treats. 


Sexuality in Education - About Real Life Parent / Child Workshops:

Thanks for the wonderful turn out last Thursday night at our Parent Only workshops. I hope families are looking forward to the Parent / Child workshops tonight. The sessions as advertised on SchoolStream are as follows:

3/4 session is 6:00pm-7:00pm

5/6 session is 7:15pm-8:15pm


Here are the slides from last week if anyone missed the session.


School Camp: Year 3/4 to Sovereign Hill:

Thanks to Mrs Belinda Saville who ran our Parent Information Night for the upcoming Year 3/4 Camp. The session was well attended and I am sure the countdown to camp is on in many households. Just a reminder for those families who require medication to be supplied to their child on camp, they must get a MACS Medical Authority form signed. Please see a copy of the form below. I have also attached a copy of the packing list. 


School Community Working Bee:

On Friday 21st of February we will be holding a Parent / Community working bee from 3:30pm-4:30pm. During this hour we will be topping up the soft fall around the chicken coop, planting some tall bushes and also some hanging plants in our "soon to be" Sensory / Quiet garden space. 


Parent Teacher Interviews:

Next week we are holding our Parent / Teacher interviews. Please follow the instructions sent out last Friday on SchoolStream. Please see a link below:

Prep 2026 Enrolments:

We are now accepting enrolments for Prep 2026. If we have any families with siblings due to start in 2026 please contact the office for the online link, otherwise you can collect a hard copy enrolment pack from the office. 













School Uniform:

Flexible School Uniform 2025:

In 2025 the school will be adopting a more flexible uniform approach. There are some guidelines and they are outlined below:

  • Students can wear which ever uniform they like on any-day of the week (students can wear sports uniform 5 days a week if they please).
  • Sports uniform is to be worn with WHITE SOCKS.
  • Girls and Boys can wear the polo / pants or shorts combination (must wear sports uniform on sports days). Polo / pants or shorts combo must be worn with BLUE SOCKS. 
  • Red jumper or Blue Zip up fleece are the only jumper options (apart from Year 6 Jumper)
  • There is to be no non-school uniform worn (different jumpers, socks, shorts).
  • Girls can continue to wear the dress or tunic options.
  • Runners can be worn at all times with any uniform. 
  • On School Photo Days all students will wear Full Sports Uniform.  


