Year 1/2 News

This year, as we adopt the Department’s new literacy approach, our Grade 1/2 students are learning a fresh structure for literacy. Each day, they will participate in a literacy block lasting 2 hours, covering essential areas like phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, reading comprehension, and writing.
At the start of the term, students will focus on getting familiar with the new routines and expectations for our updated literacy structure. They will then engage in a 60-minute phonics lesson to strengthen their reading and writing skills. Students will develop their reading comprehension through an author study of texts by Pamela Allen. As they explore her works, they will begin crafting short narratives of their own, inspired by the themes in Pamela Allen’s stories.
In addition, students will examine nonfiction texts to understand the text structures and features of this genre, particularly through texts about animal habitats. This will help them in writing their own information reports on the topic.
To kick off the year in Mathematics, we have focused on encouraging our students to take risks when solving problems through our start-up program. This program has been designed to help build students' confidence in approaching mathematics with a positive attitude and a willingness to try. It has included a variety of lessons covering key topics in Number, Measurement, and Geometry.
As the term progresses, the Grade 1/2 students will shift their focus to Place Value, Counting, and Patterns as part of their Number and Algebra studies. This unit will help students develop a strong understanding of the value of digits in numbers, which is a crucial skill for working with numbers effectively.
In addition to their number and algebra work, students will also explore Measurement, Geometry, and Statistics. In their Measurement and Geometry unit, they will learn about time and duration, covering topics such as the months of the year, the seasons, and the components of time, including minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. To conclude the term, students will focus on Statistics, learning how to collect data using questions and tally marks, as well as how to display this data in graphs.
At the start of each year, all students participate in the Learning to Learn program, which focuses on teaching them about positive behaviours expected throughout our school. This program helps students understand how to demonstrate these behaviors in all areas of the school environment. Once the Learning to Learn program is complete, students will begin their first Inquiry topic for the year, titled "Me and My Body."
In this unit, Grade 1/2 students will explore the importance of making healthy food choices and the effects different foods have on their bodies. They will also learn about substances that are unsafe for their bodies, such as soaps, cleaning products, and art supplies. Additionally, students will learn to identify trusted people in the school and community whom they can turn to for help if their bodies are not feeling well.
Throughout the term, students will participate in social and emotional lessons where they will explore different emotions and how to respond to them. They will also develop strategies for managing emotions and stress and learn who they can ask for support. As part of this unit, students will reflect on their personal strengths and discover how they can apply these strengths in various situations.
All the Grade 1/2 teachers wish the students a wonderful start to the year! We’re excited to see all the amazing things we’ll learn together this year!
Welcome to Term 1 Science, and the start of an exciting year ahead!
This term Grades 1 and 2 students will be focusing on the Biological Science strand. Students will be looking closely at the features of animals and identifying commonalities between different animals, such as head, legs, wings, and tails; students will describe the use of animal body parts for particular purposes, such as legs for moving, and mouths or beaks for feeding. Students will recognise that different living things live in different parts of the world, and will explore different habitats in the local environment, such as backyard, beach, or bush. This is an exciting term in Grades 1 and 2 Science; students will carry out various activities and be involved in hands-on experiments throughout the term!
Welcome to Auslan, Term 1, 2025! During Term 1 Grade 1/2 students will learn about:
– Revision Alphabet/Greetings, Food/Breakfast, Transport, Shops, Outside the House, Vegetables, Handshapes #3, Size, Shape and Revision (of term content).
The students will continue learning new signs for the above topics, through the videos, with fun stories, poems/songs and games. We will practice combining signs in ‘phrases’ to build Auslan communication.
Repetition and practice improve recall and develop Auslan language skills. The lessons will frequently include revision of past learning as we cover the new learning. The students are encouraged to participate in activities, practising lesson content and to share their learning with their peers and the teacher.
Our focus is on both expressive Auslan (signing to others) and receptive Auslan (reading back/understanding others’ signing). These are important skills which coordinate in the learning and usage of the Auslan language.
At this level the students are encouraged to develop their confidence in using Auslan signs and understanding the visual nature of Auslan communication. Auslan being a signed language using the hands, with no voice, which is used by the Deaf Community. They will learn the Auslan Alphabet, and frequently use signs associated with Colours, Family, School, Farm Animals, and Describing Animals. Grade Preps will also learn to sign Numbers in Auslan using their dominant (writing) hand. This learning will be introduced through explicit sign teaching videos, games, stories, and group practice. Learning Auslan will involve both expressive (signing) and receptive understanding skills (reading back what others’ sign), hence activities are designed to develop these skills. Students will be encouraged to participate in lesson related activities and to share their learning and understanding with their peers and teacher.
Welcome to Term 1 Art, 2025! In Art, Grade 1 and 2 will begin by settling into routines and following expectations in our art room environment. This will include taking pride and care when using art materials and tools, and demonstrating positive behaviours. The topic for this term is Colour Theory. Students will revise the Primary Colours of red, blue and yellow and how these can be mixed to make Secondary Colours, which are orange, green and purple. Students will use different mediums. such as paint, when creating artworks and mixing colours. They will look at artworks by different artists to explore how colours can be used. Grade 1 and 2 will also explore working with warm and cool colours to create their art pieces.
Looking forward to lots of creativity and wonderful artworks from Grade 1 and 2 in Term 1!
Welcome back to a new year of Physical Education. During this term our grade 1/ 2 students will be continuing their learning and building on skills introduced last year. In this term we will focus on the sports of football and netball. The aim of our learning is to develop all the relevant skills required to perform each of these sports and then participate in games that showcase these skills. Our students will be performing the linked fundamental movement skills for these sports which includes throwing, catching, running, kicking, and striking. They will also continue to develop problem solving skills and use strategy when participating in the different sports to try and achieve successful outcomes. A games-based approach will be evident throughout the year in Physical Education where all students will be given time to participate and play in actual games so that they can learn by playing and learn by doing each activity. This is to help each student develop an understanding of the skills, rules, and game concepts required to play. I am excited and looking forward to working with all the grade 1/ 2 students this term!
We are excited to introduce our new music program for Grades 1 and 2. The students will learn how to follow routines and protocols for cooperative and creative learning in the music room and learn how to play a range of percussion instruments. Students will have the opportunity to build on their previous learning and gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the elements of music by focusing on beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo and dynamics. Students will be developing their vocal technique by performing traditional African and Australian folk songs. We will be learning basic chords and strumming rhythms on the ukulele. Listening and responding to a variety of music from contrasting styles, genres and traditions will form part of each lesson. The students will be encouraged to share their musical interests and enjoy some individual expression in a fun and structured environment.