Catholic Identity

Catholic Identity Leader: Miss Eliza McNamara

Feast of S Brigid – February 1st 

Loving God, 

As we go forth, may we carry St. Brigid's spirit of kindness and generosity in our hearts. 

Help us to see your presence in those around us and to serve with love. 

Through Christ our Lord.  



Information about St Brigid: 

  • St. Brigid was born in Ireland around 451 AD. Her father was a chieftain, and her mother was a Christian slave. She was raised with a strong faith and a deep sense of compassion. 
  • St. Brigid was known for her generosity. She often gave food, clothing, and anything she had to those in need. She believed that helping others was a way of serving God. 
  • She founded one of Ireland’s most famous monasteries in Kildare. It became a centre of learning, prayer, and charity. St. Brigid was one of the first abbesses in Ireland, a leader of both monks and nuns. 
  • St. Brigid wove the first St. Brigid’s Cross from rushes while comforting a dying man. This cross is now a symbol of protection and is often hung in homes to ward off evil. 
  • St. Brigid is one of Ireland’s patron saints, alongside St. Patrick and St. Columba. She is the patron saint of farmers, scholars, poets, and those in need. 
  • Her feast day is celebrated on February 1st, which marks the beginning of spring in Ireland. It’s a time to remember her acts of kindness and generosity.