P&F News and information

Dear St Finbar's Families,
We have really hit the ground running this year.
Please mark these special dates in your diary!
March 4th - Shrove Tuesday pancake morning. approx 7:30pm-8:30pm
March 21st - Whole School Athletics day - parent helpers needed.
March 29th from 7pm - If you go to any St Finbar's event this is it! Our Annual Fundraiser tickets are on sale so grab your boots and get booking.
April 4th - Colour Run - parent helpers needed.
School closure days:
27th February
28th February
10th March
Plan ahead and save the date:
Mother’s Day Breakfast and Lunch - Friday 9th of May.
The Annual Fundraiser details:
Try Booking: https://www.trybooking.com/CZHLY
Air Auction: https://airauctioneer.com/st-finbars-show-down-2025
Can’t wait to see you at the next event - Kate, Daniel and Kellie.
Parents & Friends Committee