Religious Education

Term 2 Update

We have many events on our Liturgical calendar for Term 1 with Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday happening in the coming fortnight. We have our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake morning on Tuesday 4th of March followed by a Whole School Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:30am on Wednesday 5th of March. 


More information to come; however, we welcome any families to join us in celebrating Shrove Tuesday and attending the Ash Wednesday Mass as we begin the Lenten season together.

Gospel Reflection - Sunday 23rd of February 

Gospel Reading 

Luke 6:27-38

Jesus teaches his disciples to be merciful as God is merciful.


Family Connection

It is easy to choose to be with others when they are acting politely and respectfully. But children do not always act this way, especially with other family members. We can probably all recall a family meal in which such behavior was not observed. Yet we probably chose to sit through the meal anyway. We regularly give our children second chances—and often third and fourth chances—hoping that our generosity will be rewarded. That is how God acts with us. The ethic that Jesus describes seems like an impossible task: to give when asked and to do good to those who hate us. Yet family life is filled with opportunities to act generously and to love without measure. This is what we parents try to do every day. This is what we ask our children to learn. We are reminded that when we love generously and gratuitously, we love as God loves us. This is the meaning of mercy.


As you gather as a family, identify some things that family members are expected to do each day (prepare meals, go to school or work; complete homework assignments, complete household chores, behave appropriately at school, at work and at home; and so on). Discuss whether it is easy to live up to these expectations. Why or why not? Then discuss the meaning of the phrase “go the extra mile” and what it would mean to go the extra mile in the expectations you identified. Introduce today's Gospel: In today's Gospel reading, Jesus describes how we are to act toward one another. What he says may sound like what we mean by the phrase “going the extra mile.” Read aloud today's Gospel, Luke 6:27-38. Discuss whether the actions Jesus describes are easy and consider why we might act in these ways if they seem difficult. Observe that today's Gospel challenges us to make choices based on God's standard; God loves us all the time by going the extra mile for us. During a time of quiet reflection, invite each family member to choose an action for the week in which he or she will go the “extra mile” for the family. 

Conclude in prayer by praying together St. Ignatius's Prayer for Generosity.



Laura Zeeng 

Deputy Principal & Religious Education Leader (REL)