Sports News 


Congratulations to our team of 28 swimmers on their individual and team efforts on Monday this week at Oakleigh Pool.  All team members did themselves proud and gave it their best for each of their respective events. Well done to all Swim team members and a special congratulations to our two swimmers who placed 1st or 2nd in their respective events and will now progress to the next level; Beachside Division on Friday 7th March. Congratulations to Teddy S.  & Lachie H.!

Teddy S (4D): 9/10 Boys 50m Breaststroke: 2nd


Lachie H (6T): 12/13 Boys 50m Breaststroke: 1st  &  12/13 Boys 50m Freestyle: 2nd 


THANK YOU’S: We’d like to thank all the parent helpers who volunteered their time and assisted with lane timing: Ira Longo, Lisa Perrett and Amy Adams.  A massive thank you also goes to parent; Kelly Anderson for her amazing all-day support with the team and our attending teachers; Mrs Norton and Sonia Blakey.  Thank you for your efforts across the day!




Whole School (P-6) House Athletics Carnival: Fri. 21st March @ Duncan McKinnon Reserve

Dendy Tennis tournament: Thursday 28th March, selected Yr.5/6’s: 2 boys & 2 girls

P&F Colour Run: Fri. 4th April @ Dendy Park Athletics oval

Year 3-6 Inter-House Cross Country:  Thursday 24th April, 9.30am - 12pm

District Cross Country: Thursday 1st May (respective students)

Winter Sport (Year 5&6 students): Round 1, Friday 2nd May

Junior (Yr. 3&4) HoopTime: Tuesday 20th May, Waverley Stadium

Senior (Yr 5&6) HoopTime: Monday 30th June, Waverley Stadium




We now only have 4 weeks until our very first 2025 whole school sporting event!  On Friday 21st of March, all students from Prep to Year 6 students will participate in our Whole School Athletics carnival.  Every year level will travel by bus to Duncan McKinnon Reserve where they’ll participate in a variety of track and field events.  All students are encouraged to dress in their St. Finbar’s House colours, with House points awarded for student’s athletic efforts over the day.  

Prep to Year 2 students will participate in a variety of formal and novelty athletics events over their half-day carnival, whilst our Year 3-6 students participate in numerous track and field events over the whole day.

Next week all families will received an Operoo permission email relevant to your child/ren’s carnival.  This permission email will outline all relevant event details, including a section requesting parent helpers for each carnival.  


PARENT HELPERS REQUIRED: We really value the support of our amazing parents at our sporting carnivals,  so please keep an eye out for the Parent Helper links in the upcoming Operoo and if you are able to help for part of the day, please add your details within these links.  




SSV (School Sport Victoria) State Trials Nomination process for 2025


Each year, extremely talented sporting students have the opportunity to trial for a place in a School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic State team and participate in annual School Sport Australia (SSA) Championships. These trials are strictly for senior students (Year 5 or 6) currently competing at an ELITE LEVEL in their chosen sport. An example of this for AFL football would be that they have won or come Runner-Up their League (SMJFL) Best and Fairest for 12 year olds. Having won only the Best and Fairest at club level is not sufficient for the level to apply.

Please note that participation in SSV team Vic state teams is self-funded, so students will be required to pay costs of administration levies, uniform, flights, accommodation and meals (approx $3000+).  Students who are selected must be available to participate in a series of SSV trials if successful at each level, as outlined below -

*   Beachside Division trials > Southern Metropolitan trials > SSV trials/camp

The various sporting opportunities on offer and relevant application & trial dates are all advertised on the SSV website ‘Team Vic’ section.  

*NOTE: Closing date for basketball, soccer, netball and AFL football is Friday 28th Feb, 2025.

For exact sport details:  see this link 




Step 1: Prior to registering, interested students and their family must consult with their school Principal.  Principals may wish to discuss the child’s suitability to trial with the student’s classroom teacher, as well as physical education staff. Schools may elect to run an in-school trial to finalise their student endorsements. 


For the following teams, each school is only allowed to endorse a maximum of three (3) students to participate in the selection trials:

• 12 Years & Under Boys Australian Football 

• 12 Years & Under Boys Basketball

• 12 Years & Under Girls Basketball 

• 12 Years & Under Boys Cricket 

• 12 Years & Under Boys Football (Soccer) 

• 12 Years & Under Girls Netball 


Step 2: The family of the student can then proceed to register their child online. 


Step 3: SSV staff will contact the necessary schools if more than 3 students are registered and will ask the school to endorse 3 students. If a school is not in a position to endorse 3 students, SSV will request that schools hold ‘in-school’ trial to narrow the number of trialists and to notify SSV of the outcome. 

Schools could include the following components as a part of an ‘in school’ trial i.e.: • Speed / agility assessment • Endurance test • Basic skills assessment i.e. kicking a ball on both feet accurately over a range of distances; or shooting a ball from different sides of the court / different ranges • Game / match simulation 


Schools are only allowed to endorse a maximum of three (3) students to participate in the selection trials listed in Step 1. 


Mrs Tania Thompson

Sports Coordinator