Deputy Principal

Classroom Helper Course
The Prep-2 Classroom Helper Course will be held on Tuesday 11 March commencing at 8:45am in the MPR. An Operoo form will be sent home in the next few weeks with more information.
Whole School Family Welcome Event (with children)
We look forward to our Whole School Family Welcome Event (with children) next Friday 21 February from 5:30pm. This event will be held out on the school oval (weather permitting). Food trucks will be provided and treats for children. Families are welcome to bring their own picnic chairs and soft drink/non-alcoholic beverages. Thank you to the Year 3 Class Reps for coordinating the event.
Prep and New Families Welcome Event (without children)
We are looking forward to our Prep and New Families joining us for the annual Welcome Event. This event will be held at school on Saturday 1 March @ 7pm. Thank you to the Year 1 Class Reps for organising this special evening.
Operoo forms
A number of Operoo forms have been shared with families. Please check your emails.The following forms have been shared with the whole school community and must signed/responded to as soon as possible. If you are unable to see these forms, please contact the Office
- Photo Permission form
- Volunteer Application Form and other relevant information
- ICT Responsible Use Agreement (Prep - 2) and (Years 3 - 6)
- Sacred Heart Kew Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct
- Sacred Heart Kew Student Code of Conduct
- MACS Medical Management Plan
- MACS Medical Authority Form
- MACS Anaphylaxis Management Plan
Audiri App
A reminder that the school sends out information/communication via Audiri app.
This can be downloaded from the App Store. Search for ‘Sacred Heart School Kew’ once in Audiri app.
For parents already with the app, please make sure you update this regularly as notifications may not appear on your device if not updated from time to time. If experiencing difficulties, please see the attached document that will assist you in downloading the Audiri app.