Weekes' Weekly News
Learning, growing and celebrating together...
Weekes' Weekly News
Learning, growing and celebrating together...
Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,
‘Why aren’t we sitting at the front of the plane?’ Good question, let’s move right on.
‘Flight JQ654, cabin crew take your seats for take-off’. Canberra, here we come!
Do you know the story of Canberra? The Bush Capital? If you don’t, perhaps ask one of our 33 Senior children, who are now well versed in this chapter of our great Nation. Apparently there were some other rather ‘out there’ suggestions as names for Canberra, who knew? New London, Kookaburra, Wattleton or Hopetoun, were just a few.
Last week, our Senior children and staff enjoyed visiting many informative and interactive locations, thirsty for knowledge, and on the lookout for any ‘special’ people that we might bump into. Our long awaited Senior Trip did not disappoint. There were MANY highlights.
Walking up the long driveway to Government House, hoping that the Governor-General might be home was probably a long shot. Guess what? It was our lucky day! There were new Ambassadors being installed, from Chile, Nepal and Panama, what a day to be onsite. Her Excellency, the Honourable, Ms Sam Mostyn AC, was in fact home, and despite a few notable engagements, wandered over to our group, spending time chatting and answering our questions. This was a definite highlight, and all on our first full day in Canberra. Turns out Her Excellency is a mad Sydney Swans supporter, which pleased a couple of our children.
On the same day, we also met Mr Sam Vao, from the Tongan Electoral Commission, who voted alongside us in our ‘mock’ election, where Bananas won the day! Of course they did. A landslide victory. The afternoon saw us walk through MoAD (Museum of Australian Democracy), the old Parliament House. Sitting in the original House of Representatives was surreal, imagining listening to historical speeches, arguments and ideas that have shaped Australia, and how we live today. Reading descriptions and information of all our 31 Prime Ministers was entertaining, recently, there’s been quite a few, with varying lengths of office, haven’t there?
The food on any School Camp can make or break the experience. We all know that. You certainly need to refuel after a long day and top up your energy levels in the morning. Throw in a good night's sleep, a freshen up, and you’re all good to go.
Wednesday was another solid day. Straight after breakfast we ventured to the National Museum of Australia, learning more about the Ngunnawal people, the traditional custodians of the ACT, and their connection to the beautiful land, sky and waterways we find ourselves on. We viewed and listened to many stories of how our country was formed many years ago, witnessed the effects of natural elements and disasters upon lives, cities and homes, and enjoyed our quiet time, as we wandered through each exhibition. National Gallery of Australia (expensive paintings, especially the one with poles of blue), High Court of Australia (long winded and drawn out sentences and questions, comfy seats though) and Questacon. Which one do you think the Senior children loved the most? Questacon! Correct.
I thought Wednesday was the day of all days, turns out Thursday was to take the cake and eat it too. Parliament House, Australian War Memorial and a gentle bike ride around Lake Burley Griffin. The sheer size and stature of Parliament always impresses me. Countless black electric cars lining the boundary must mean one thing, and one thing only, the Circus was in town! Who can we spot? Let’s see. The Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives Milton Dick swung past and said ‘G’day’. The Seniors took their chance to role-play Parliament. The ‘stand in’ Speaker, the Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, Independents, Clerk and Serjeant-at-Arms all played their roles beautifully, as the contentious Bill ‘should every house in Australia have a rainwater tank?’ was discussed, argued and voted upon. Dr Monique Ryan visited us during snack time, inspiring the future leaders of our country, with her thoughts and ideas, as she anxiously awaits the election date announcement, at any tick of the clock.
The War Memorial remains one of the most special and significant buildings I will ever walk through. It always brings a smile of gratitude to my face, a tear of sorrow for the sacrifices made, and each time I visit, I learn more about our country, and the brave men and women who gave up their lives, for us to live as we do today. One could spend days in this moving space, our country’s story unfurling right before our eyes. Lest We Forget. A gentle bike ride around Lake Burley Griffin ended the cycle of the day, as our final dinner time crept up on us, refuelling one last time, before our suitcases and bags needed to find all those items that flew interstate with their weary traveller.
Our last day took us to the Australian Institute of Sport, where we all kicked some goals. Right foot, left foot, some rowing, a bit of basketball, cycling, soccer, football goal kicking and downhill luge brought out the competitiveness in the group, then we toured the different training facilities on offer for our talented Australian athletes who harness their skills each hour of every day.
A bus ride to the top of Mt Ainslie for a spot of lunch and one last look down at the bush capital was the final flurry of our week together. Now let’s check all those bags in.
‘Flight VA272 cabin crew, prepare for landing’.
It certainly was a mammoth week in our nation's capital. A week that all 33 participants will remember forever. All our Senior children were highly engaged and respectful travellers, receiving many glowing comments from various members of the general public, passed on to staff members, as we absorbed each activity and learning opportunity throughout the week.
My sincere thanks to Mrs Gerecke, Mrs Hoogeveen, Mr O’Shea and Miss Privitelli, for giving up their time, placing their family and personal lives on hold, to accompany our Senior children for the duration of the trip. The ‘2025 Senior Trip to Canberra team’ really was a joy to travel alongside. A BIG thank you also to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Drough for holding down the fort back at school whilst we were away, in Acting Principal/Acting Deputy Roles during this time.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
Kind Regards,
Ed Weekes
School Principal