Digital Technology and Sport

Digital Technologies
The focus will be on ensuring all recommended apps be downloaded and organised into the recommended folder structure. We learn how to join the school network and how to best organise our folder structure in Drive. We also learn how to access work tasks and announcements in Google Classroom. We will be uploading content into Seesaw which is where reflections on learning, as well as common assessment tasks, will be posted.
All learning with digital technology will be underpinned with the expectations set out in the E-Smart user agreement and supported with learning from the Cyber Safety Project.
As of Monday the 3rd February, the children are to bring their ipads to school each day. They are to ensure that their ipads are fully charged.
Specialists Information:
PE/Sport - The summer sports are cricket, softball, volleyball, lacrosse, tennis, oztag and basketball. Once inter-school sports start (week 4), all students must be at school by 8:30 am every Friday to board buses. Students should be wearing their appropriate sports uniforms.