Reading I Writing I Speaking & Listening
Reading I Writing I Speaking & Listening
Reading - We will focus on independent and guided reading, literal/inferential and evaluative comprehension strategies. Our reading comprehension tasks will also connect to inquiry, where possible. We will also be using the novel ‘Wonder’ to teach curriculum content.
Writing - We will be exploring persuasive, narrative and information text types and analysing features such as structure, language, literary devices, etc. In spelling we will use the Spelling Mastery program and also focus on the understanding and application of spelling rules. In grammar, we will focus on identifying parts of speech and the correct use of a variety of punctuation.
Speaking and Listening - We start our public speaking workshops in week 4 . We learn that our spoken words contribute to 10% of a message understood by an audience. The remainder of the message comes from facial expressions (30%) and body language (60%). We are learning how to structure a spoken text to connect with the audience’s head and heart. We are also learning how to ‘ready, aim, fire’ and ‘fake it ‘til you make it’. These public speaking strategies will be further used and developed throughout the year.