General Information & Reminders

Dear Year 5 Parents,


Welcome to Year 5. We look forward to a very enjoyable 2025. The first week involved start-up activities. The purpose of this was to develop relational trust between students and staff at HPS and to establish a deeper understanding of how the school norms will foster a successful learning community. 


All communication will come to you this year via Compass. Please check notifications and emails regularly to keep up to date. Compass is how you will access attendance information (including updating Compass of your child’s absence), newsletters - provided weekly, sports carnivals and events, upcoming excursion/ incursion information and permissions (payments can also be made through Compass), whole school events and semester reports.



Homework will consist of:

-Nightly reading, 20-30 minutes. This needs to be documented and signed by a parent in student diaries.

-Number and Algebra mathematics tasks based on pre-assessments done at the beginning of term. 

-Public Speaking, will begin in week 3 and go for 3 weeks with Mrs Purple. Each week students will have a speech they need to write and practice to present the following Monday.


Diaries need to be brought to school every day so that teachers can check reading logs and other homework. 


We encourage students to complete their homework during week days however, we understand for those students who have a particularly busy routine after school and can not complete their homework that they may choose to use some of their weekend to do so. We would prefer that our students have a homework-free weekend where possible to recharge. 


Homework is explained at school first but students who are absent for this should independently check with their teacher  for instructions. 


If you have any concerns or queries throughout the year, the first place to start is with your child’s teacher. We look forward to meeting all of you in the coming weeks.

5A - Alicia Blundell (Mon, Tue, Fri) and Fallon Levett (Wed, Thu)

5B - Cindi Kunaratnam (Mon-Thur) and Fallon Levett (Fri)

5C - Tom Prendergast