
REMINDER FOR 2023 School Contributions
Thank you to the families who have contacted the school to pay the 2023 school contribution. If you have not yet called the office to request this payment, we encourage you to do so, as this support greatly assists with the additional costs of materials and equipment for programs such as English, Maths, STEM, the Arts, PE, as well as online subscription costs, printing, copying costs, student wellbeing programs, school grounds maintenance and improvement costs. We invite you to call the office to discuss this further and to offer your support. Thank you.
The 2024 Booklists will be sent home with all students next week. Please be reminded that we cannot accept payment for booklists at school. Radmac are supplying the required items for students, therefore, payment must be made directly to Radmac. Payments can be made by direct deposit to Radmac (bank details are listed on the order form) or by completing the credit card details on the booklist order form and returning this to school for us to deliver to Radmac on your behalf. Or you can pay over the phone by credit card by phoning Radmac, note they will require your child’s name and 2024-year level. Parents can also drop into Radmac to pay in person and to deliver the completed booklist order form. Booklists are due to be received by Radmac by Thursday 30th November 2023, as such, your prompt action with completing and returning these forms would be greatly appreciated.
Radmac: 110 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat. Phone: 5333 4617. Email:
Should you have any queries regarding the 2024 booklists, please contact the school.
Miners Rest Primary School Hats
The school is now selling broad-brimmed Miners Rest Primary School hats at a cost of $17 each directly from the office. These are the same hats that Beleza sell. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office.