Student Voice

  • What is Student Voice?
  • Introducing your Student Leadership Team for 2024 
  • 2024 Student Leaders’ Investiture 
  • World Teacher’s Day
  • Movember
  • Year 7 Induction Day
  • The Mighty 3rd V Basketball 
  • Performing Arts Festival
  • Year 12 Woodwork

What is Student Voice?

Introducing a brand-new Woodchatta page : STUDENT VOICE! 

Following the recent Student Leaders’ Investiture, the 2024 Student Leadership Team are launching a brand-new page in Woodchatta. The ‘Student Voice’ page is an initiative of the 2024 Student Leadership Team, and is aimed to pursue our mutual goal of a voice for all students, no matter their year group. 

This page will be available to all who are interested in writing about and sharing their interests with the wider school community. Whether you’re a wordsmith crafting prose, a sports enthusiast with stories to tell, or an artist weaving colours into stories, this page is your canvas. It is through this page we hope to create a platform where we celebrate the diverse tapestry of talents, interests and ideas that make our school community great. 

If you would like to showcase your work and talents in the Student Voice page, come speak to one of the members of the Student Leadership Team or make a submission (can be photos or videos with a short caption) to a submission link (coming soon).

Introducing your Student Leadership for 2024

This week: The Captains

College Captain: 

Name: Quinton Crispe

Year Started at Pius: Year 5, 2017. Class of Mr Carroll (5 Blue)

Height: too short or 6’1 (depends on who is asking)

Favourite subject/s: Chinese Beginners and Studies of Religion 1

Favourite sport: Basketball – member of the Mighty 3rds V

Favourite Food: The (old) canteen cookies for $2 – (IYKYK) 

Favourite book: Where’s Wally?


College Vice-Captain: 

Name: Liam Boswell

Year Started at Pius: Year 5, 2017. Class of Winner Williams!

Favourite subjects: Maths, Chinese and Chemistry

Favourite Food: Spaghetti Bolognese

Favourite Book: Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz


College Vice-Captain: 

Name: Jose Monk

Year Started at Pius: Year 5, 2017. Class of Mr Carroll (5 Blue)

Favourite subjects: Modern and Ancient History

Favourite Sport: Basketball (2nds)

Favourite Food: Sushi

Favourite Book: Can’t hurt me - David Goggins

2024 Student Leaders’ Investiture

Last Thursday the Year 12 cohort of 2024 were invested as the Senior leaders at the Concourse. The 2024 Student Leadership Team revealed their theme for 2024, which is 'Seek to Serve, Stronger Together'.


Quinton’s inaugural address is below:

World Teacher’s Day

Last Friday, the newly invested Year 12 cohort of 2024 led the World Teacher’s Day assembly. Through this, students from Year 5 to Year 12 thanked each department at the College. 

Following from Quinton’s garden analogy in his inaugural address, students gifted every teacher a plant, showing our sincere appreciation to the way our teachers nurture and grow us as students, leaders and servants. 

Movember 2023

This year, St Pius X College is participating in the Movember campaign, a foundation which supports men’s health. In previous years we have seen Mr Stearn and other staff support the foundation by growing a moustache. However, this year, you will see your new Year 12 students attempting to grow a Mo as well. Growing a moustache is a symbol of the commitment to reducing the number of men dying too young, and each Year 12 student growing a Mo will raise money towards the Movember campaign. Whilst not everyone may grow moustaches, we urge you all to reflect on the Movember cause.

The Movember campaign raises money and awareness for aspects of Men’s health we rarely discuss. Prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide are some of the leading causes of death in young males. The money we raise when growing a Mo will support research and treatment of these illnesses, however the entire school community has a role in supporting the Movember campaign. 

You might not be able to grow a Mo but through donating to the St Pius Movember campaign you show that men’s health matters to you. Your donations via the link available below may save a brother, a friend, a father. Movember isn’t just about a moustache; it’s about supporting each other and stopping men dying too young. 


Please donate here to support Movember:


Mo Progress

In addition, come back here each week to follow Asher Ghannoum’s (Year 12) journey in growing a moustache in support of Movember this year! He is raising awareness for men’s mental health and suicide prevention. 


Week 1

Year 7 Induction Day

On Tuesday, 31 October, the newly invested leaders had the opportunity to serve the Year 7 cohort of 2024 by providing a sausage sizzle. In addition to the yummy food, Year 12 students were able to connect with the incoming Year 7’s and show our support in their time of transition from Junior School to Senior School. 

Mighty 3rds V Basketball

This week the Mighty 3rd V basketball team battled against Redland’s 2nds. Unfortunately, the Pius’ 3rds went down in a nail-biting match.  


The team consists of:

Conall Molloy (c), Quinton Crispe, PJ Marren, Hugo Kalcher, Angus Pratt, Osar Davidson, Boh Johnson, Finley Peake and Lenox Makarewicz. 


We wish the ‘boys in blue’ the best of luck this weekend as they take on the well-rounded Oakhill Gold.


Minor setbacks,

Major comebacks,


Performing Art Festival

The Performing Arts Festival is a key opportunity for drama and music students to hone their solo performance skills in front of a live audience. Within bands and ensembles, it isn’t viable for all students to regularly have solo or lead roles, hence the Performing Arts Festival is an invaluable experience for all, both through a student’s preparation and performance. Whether it is Baroque, Afro-Cuban or rock music, all forms of creative expression are welcomed and encouraged in this festival. All are welcome and there will surely be something to satisfy everyone’s tastes.

Year 12 Woodwork

This term, the Year 12 woodwork classes have begun designing their major work projects. Andrew May has begun designing his project and is planning on building a rocking chair.

If you wish to showcase your work, please look out for a submission section coming soon. 

“Fide et Labore”

2024 Student Leadership Team