From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Celebrating November
  • Movember Campaign commences
  • Transition Day for our new 2024 students
  • HSC Examinations continue into Week 3
  • Celebrating 16 years of Edmund Rice Education Australia
  • P&F AGM
  • End of Year Dates


See It Through My Eyes


I am a mother

I give birth to the future

All children deserve a world

That will exist for generations to come

See it through my eyes……


I am a father

My joy is relived in the joy of my children

I delight in what they do

And delight in who they are

See it through my eyes……


I am a teacher

I search constantly for ways

To reach my students’ potential

I am committed to inspiring them

And I have seen the miracle of understanding

Time and Time again

See it through my eyes……


I am a school leader

To me is entrusted much responsibility

To lead is not always easy

For to lead is to risk, to encourage and to decide

The dream of “what could be for each child’ never ends

See it through my eyes…..



I am the Lord, your God

From before you were born, I knew you

I have called you all by name

You are mine

I have carved you in the palm of My hand

Should a parent forget their child

I will never forget you

Trust in Me with all your heart, mind and soul

Love each other as you love yourself

See it through my eyes…..

And you will understand the meaning of Life

And see the face of Truth.       




This week’s reflection is asking all of us to view the world through the eyes of others so that we can best support our sons as they look to find their way in life.  In the Gospel readings from last Sunday, the key message was that people observe the actions of others.  Our young people are imitating the behaviours of adults in their life.  We need to be good role models for our young people so that they can observe actions that will make them better people.  We need to be consistent in our expectations of our young people, setting standards for them so they can experience positive actions and words.  By being positive role models, our young people will be able imitate our people and then see the world through the eyes of others.

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon

The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.

Homestead at Westcourt

  The Rices were a competent, and in many ways a fortunate people when compared with the great majority of their country folk. This is expressed in a glimpse of their comfortable homestead at Westcourt, where Edmund was born. The traditional thatched farmhouse looks across to the mountains of Slievenamon, and the setting sun.

Here too is a scene from Edmund’s boyhood. He and Brother Patrick Grace, a gentle Augustinian who was well known and well-loved in the Callan area as the 'Little Grey Friar', sit talking. The two are engrossed in conversation, their bare feet resting on the brink of a well.


 Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Celebrating November

The month of November is an important month in the Catholic calendar as we celebrate, pray and commemorate All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.  Pope Francis frequently speaks about All Saints’ Day and how Catholics should 'let themselves be encouraged by the saints', as they did not live lives by half measures but rather sought opportunities to assist those in need. Like the saints, we too must be encouraged to seek opportunities to live life with hope and to also provide hope for those in need through actions.  Our Social Justice Outreach program is a good means to be able to fulfil this encouragement by Pope Francis.

All Souls’ Day is also an important day, as the Christian community remembers all the faithful departed especially those who were close to us. The faithful departed are constant in our prayers throughout the year but are especially commemorated on this day. I pray that all our families are able to spend some reflective time in remembrance of those who are no longer with us especially those who have departed this world in 2023.

Movember campaign commences

The Movember campaign, launched by our College Wellbeing Prefects on Monday, commences today.  In 2023, Year 11 students who register on our Movember page will have the opportunity to grow a moustache and be an active participate in this most worthy cause. The main reason for our involvement in the Movember campaign is to make students and the St Pius X community aware of men’s health.  This is a most worthy cause that I encourage all families to contribute as we are investing in the health of our sons, fathers, grandfathers, uncles and friends.

Currently, our total is: 

Our goal is $2000, so anything your can offer will be supporting our promotion of men’s health.  The College Student Leadership Team will keep the community updated via their own Woodchatta page called ‘Student Voice’.  So all the males in our community, join us and grow a moustache and send us photos of your development.

Please donate via myMo Space, here:  – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life. 

Transition Day for our new 2024 students

It was great to see all the new students who will become part of the St Pius X family in 2024.  I hope all the students had an enjoyable time during their transition day.  We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with all the students and hopefully they can make a positive impact on our community.  Welcome to all our new students.

HSC Examinations continues into Week 4

It was not long ago that we were praying for our Year 12 students as they commenced their HSC Examinations.  Now into our fourth week we continue to pray for those who are finishing their examinations but also pray for all our Year 12 students as they commence their life away from the College.

Celebrating 16 years of Edmund Rice Education Australia

Edmund Rice Education Australia is celebrating 16 years of educating young people around the country.  During this time EREA has seen some significant change but one thing remains constant and that is its commitment to ensuring all schools in our network remain a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition.  Below is correspondence from the EREA Council.


Thank you to all the parents and friends who were able to join us at the P&F Association Annual General Meeting on Monday 30 October.  I would like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of the outgoing President, Mrs Sarah Gillard, for her dedicated service and commitment to the community of St Pius X College over the past eight years. Her dedication and leadership have made a significant impact on the entire College community. The College community is grateful for the time and energy Sarah has devoted to making our College a better place. Sarah’s contributions the P&F Association of St Pius X will continue to be a source of inspiration for us all.

Special thanks to all those who have either nominated themselves or renominated for the different roles with the P&F Association.  To our new President, Eoin Geaney, and the new P&F Committee, thank you for accepting these important roles in support of all students, parents and friends of the College.

End of Year Dates

Week 8 

27 Nov - 3 Dec:        Year 11 Snowy Mountain Hike

27 Nov - 1 Dec         Year 10 Term 5 Program

Week 9            

4 Dec:                          End of Year Thanksgiving Liturgy - Road to Bethlehem 

5 Dec:                          Annual Awards Ceremony at Oxford Falls Campus

                                      Last Day for students Year 5 - 11


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal