Year 5/6

We are over halfway to finishing Term 4 and we are busier than ever in 56C!
We are continuing to sink ourselves into our novel study of ‘How to Bee’ and are having lots of discussion about the author’s choices and evidence that supports our answers. We have been looking closely at each of the character’s and creating character profiles that represent how they react to situations and change throughout the novel.
To recognise Remembrance Day, all 5/6s are writing an essay on nurses in the field to be entered in to the Romsey Lancefield RSL school essay competition. We will be reading about different aspects of this topic and using a short paragraph outline structure to write about what we have learnt.
With inspiration from Charlee’s grandmother’s Lancefield Primary School cookbook from over 50 years ago, we have begun the process of drafting, writing and publishing our own 5/6 recipe book. Last week, students narrated the process of Claudia cooking pikelets to get a sense of the kind of specific instructions and verbs that need to be used when writing a recipe. It was lovely to pair our learning with a little brain food afterwards!
In Maths, we are wrapping up looking at patterns and algebra. We have also been looking at chance and how we can represent probability through fractions, decimals and fractions. We have been doing this through a game called ‘ninny ninny’, in which we make predictions and then convert outcomes to fractions, decimals and fractions.
In our Wellbeing lessons we have been practicing seeking help from others. In pairs, students have written and performed short plays that show possible outcomes from asking for help. Through some humour and fun, we have learnt that in most scenarios someone will be able to help and there is nothing to be afraid of when asking for some support.
Participants in the I Am Mindful program completed session 2 last week and got to take their boxes of coping tools home with them. Everyone who attended really engaged with the program and came away with numerous new strategies that they can try when managing hard to have emotions. There have been lots of reports of students continuing to use these at home. We encourage you to ask and learn about these tools and use them together as a family.
We have been practicing what we learnt at our Auslan incursion and have been signing different emotions, as well as the days of the week each morning in morning circle. It has been lots of fun playing ‘Auslan Pac-Man’ to practice our new signs.
Next week, Year 6’s will be fundraising for their day out in December to celebrate the end of their primary school journeys. They will be selling raffle tickets for $2 for a repurposed toy sale. Winners picked out will be able to choose from a selection of toys. They will also be baking and selling goodies and selling these for $2 on Thursday and Friday. We would really appreciate the support to help them fund a fun day out 😊
And just like that we are halfway through another term - the time certainly is flying - Christmas will be here before you know it!
We are well and truly into our novel ‘How to Bee’ learning all about a world without bees and following the story of Peony and her family.
In Maths we have been going back over how numbers can be made, looking at number patterns and partitioning, while also having a quick look at chance.
Our cooking skills are improving every week in SAKG and we look forward to getting out in the garden as the weather is improving. On the alternate weeks where we don’t garden we have started doing some STEM activities including coding with Scratch Jr and the Spheros.
Our Year 6 students are fundraising to subsidise the cost of their fun day out at the end of the year and they would appreciate any support you can give them by buying a raffle ticket or some baked goods next week.