Year 1/2

Over the past few weeks in our writing sessions, we have been focusing narrative text types. Students have explored the sequence of this style of writing, along with adding interest using a sizzling start, tightening tension and an exciting ending. Students have written their own short stories and are now underway with publishing these. Students have really enjoyed this focus, showcasing a range of skills and imagination.
Over the past few weeks in our writing sessions, we have been focusing on narrative text types. Students have explored the sequence of this style of writing, along with adding interest using a sizzling start, tightening tension and an exciting ending. Students have written their own short stories and are now underway with publishing these. We have really enjoyed this focus, showcasing a range of skills and imagination.
In 12W, we have continued to explore our Fairy Tales topic - listening to and reading stories with expression and fluency, using picture prompt to re-write part of the story, dramatising stories (Reader’s Theatre) and drawing a story map using the features of a map to show location.
In Wellbeing, we have had another look at the Keys to Communication to support the ways we communicate with each other. In small groups, we made a poster and explained what the key really means to the group using role play.